Big Brother 22 All Stars


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
I'm not a feed watcher, but I think Tyler has been playing the most balanced game out of everyone, and he's my favorite to win. His social game is good and he's an athletic competitor, so when his social game gets stretched thin, he's able to win comps to save himself/gain power.

*puts tin foil hat on*

Am I the only one thinking that production has their hands all on this season to save the more popular houseguests?

I have a feeling the safety suite was originally going to save 1 person, but they added a +1 to save both Janelle & Kaysar, and that veto competition favored Memphis out of everyone (dude is easily stronger than everyone playing, and being able to hold the paddle in place = the ball moving less). I feel like they were afraid of Tyler taking David off the block, and possibly seeing a popular houseguest up a replacement. Just my opinion :yeshrug:
Production always has their hands in the game. Wait until Tyler finally face some kind of adversity. Production will risk it all for him. Tyler is a good player no doubt, and i think he’s doing everything he should be doing right now. But i was never too impressed with his first time playing. He had an extremely loyal group, and they were playing the worst group of players ever, FOUTTE.

As dumb as half this all stars cast is. His own alliance aren’t blindly and overly loyal this time around. They are on his level, if not better. He won’t make it past Dani, Enzo, Nicole F etc. They trust him, but they know what he’s capable of.They may not voice it yet, but they know. If Jaysar don’t win hoh and clip Cody i still got Cody winning. He may be in danger this week, but he’ll either win the safety comp, veto, or have the numbers to stay.

Something tells me David is gonna win HOH, and he’s gonna do what the majority (Cody, Tyler, Enzo) tell him to do.

To tell you the truth I wouldn’t be surprised if Jaysar or Kevin win the crapshoot later tonight and don’t even put him up. I know Jaysar wants Cody and nicole f’s head on a platter. But i think Day will make them squash it for a week. I think her and Cody pregamed when they were called to do the show. Needless to say. It will cause a struggle in this new so called group.
Sorry for the long post. BB is like a sport to me lol. I got a note i wrote a few days before the show premiered. I haven’t revised anything since then.

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Aug 16, 2017
This game really highlights how emotionally damaged black people are.

They have seen season after season how the pretty White people link up, and form voltron. So instead of thinking it’s happening again in ALL STARS, they think there are no sides in a house with 2 winners, and multiple people who made final 2 and 3 while in an alliance.



Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
This game really highlights how emotionally damaged black people are.

They have seen season after season how the pretty White people link up, and form voltron. So instead of thinking it’s happening again in ALL STARS, they think there are no sides in a house with 2 winners, and multiple people who made final 2 and 3 while in an alliance.

Bayleigh for example wants to be accepted by the voltron group so bad:mjlol: I don’t want to hear no complaints. I don’t want to see her lashing out on Tyler for playing her twice within two years, the same exact way:mjlol:TYLER I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND! :mjlol:
Aug 16, 2017
Bayleigh for example wants to be accepted by the voltron group so bad:mjlol: I don’t want to hear no complaints. I don’t want to see her lashing out on Tyler for playing her twice within two years, the same exact way:mjlol:TYLER I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND! :mjlol:
That makes it even worse, because not only has she already been played by Tyler, but she got played by Kaycee TWICE, and in a whole ass other game on a whole ass network. She should know not to trust those groups.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
This game really highlights how emotionally damaged black people are.

They have seen season after season how the pretty White people link up, and form voltron. So instead of thinking it’s happening again in ALL STARS, they think there are no sides in a house with 2 winners, and multiple people who made final 2 and 3 while in an alliance.

Damn, the core group of six is

Cody: 2nd Place
Tyler: 2nd Place
Dani: 2nd Place
Enzo: 3rd Place (i thought he was 4th place)
Xmas: 3rd Place
Nicole F: Winner
*Ian is linked with Nicole F and is also a winner (he mouthed to the camera he’s gonna cut her sooner than later but easier said than done lol)

You are 100% accurate/correct.

Kevin was 3rd place his season i think. Why they ain’t include him? I don’t think that side is:mjpls:but :mjpls:
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May 2, 2012
It’s Thursday August 20th. 5 in the morning. Remember this date. It’s when Bay, Day, and Kevin officially chose to give the game to the other side they do not think exist. They really think there are no sides, there’s just “the house”. Yup, its over. Bayleigh, Day’Vonne, and Kevin no offense but thy are dumb af and should not have been called back. Bayleigh who was on the outs her season is doing the same shyt again:snoop: she doesn’t want to believe she’s on the outs. Kaysar just gave a 100% correct pitch to them to try and save Nicole. He told them, they’re gonna get picked off one by one if they don’t do something now. He told them it happens every season these days. But they are horrible players and really wasn’t tryna hear it. Especially Bayleigh. She has an attitude problem to. You can just see it on her face she was pissed Kaysar asked her to come to the room. You let her tell it, he yelled at her and forced her to come to the room:what: Is she serious? Don’t complain when they throw your ass on the block within the next 3 weeks. Welp, congratulations Bay for getting 9th place :mjlol:I don’t want anybody to get bashed, but i hope nikkas hit her twitter with the clips of them being dumb, blind, gullible etc.:manny:

And don’t get it twisted, i love the other side of the house this season. To me they’re entertaining, and funny. The people i thought I wouldn’t like this season (xmas and nicole f) are tolerable so far. Unlike BB20 where the entertaining side was the worst ever at the game, and the winning side were mostly boring non entertaining players.
They don't have the votes regardless
Ian (maybe)

That's it. Memphis will send Nicole home. Christmas is with the other side. They need 7 and they dont have it.


May 2, 2012
Damn, the core group of six is

Cody: 2nd Place
Tyler: 2nd Place
Dani: 2nd Place
Enzo: 3rd Place (i thought he was 4th place)
Xmas: 3rd Place
Nicole F: Winner
*Ian is linked with Nicole F and is also a winner (he mouthed to the camera he’s gonna cut her sooner than later but easier said than done lol)

You are 100% accurate/correct.

Kevin was 3rd place his season i think. Why they ain’t include him? I don’t think that side is:mjpls:but :mjpls:
That group will not stay together for long. Cody and Tyler don't trust Dani. Tyler is more loyal to Christmas and David.


Jan 16, 2016
Bay Area
Production always has their hands in the game. Wait until Tyler finally face some kind of adversity. Production will risk it all for him. Tyler is a good player no doubt, and i think he’s doing everything he should be doing right now. But i was never too impressed with his first time playing. He had an extremely loyal group, and they were playing the worst group of players ever, FOUTTE.

As dumb as half this all stars cast is. His own alliance aren’t blindly and overly loyal this time around. They are on his level, if not better. He won’t make it past Dani, Enzo, Nicole F etc. They trust him, but they know what he’s capable of.They may not voice it yet, but they know. If Jaysar don’t win hoh and clip Cody i still got Cody winning. He may be in danger this week, but he’ll either win the safety comp, veto, or have the numbers to stay.

Something tells me David is gonna win HOH, and he’s gonna do what the majority (Cody, Tyler, Enzo) tell him to do.

To tell you the truth I wouldn’t be surprised if Jaysar or Kevin win the crapshoot later tonight and don’t even put him up. I know Jaysar wants Cody and nicole f’s head on a platter. But i think Day will make them squash it for a week. I think her and Cody pregamed when they were called to do the show. Needless to say. It will cause a struggle in this new so called group.
Sorry for the long post. BB is like a sport to me lol. I got a note i wrote a few days before the show premiered. I haven’t revised anything since then.

No need to apologize Breh, BB is a great game to analyze. You’re 100% correct about the old era BB players not carrying him far, due to how what he can do. The old era of bb players are easily outplaying the new era so far, and I think it’ll continue to be like that throughout the season.

I have a feeling one of Jaysar will win HOH, and try to recruit whichever houseguest stays onto their side, depending on what kind of move they’re deciding to make. I think it’s too early for an attack at the other alliance group, so they’ll likely waste their HOH week by putting up someone weak, but I really hope they go for Nicole F. It’s obviously that her and Janelle have beef, but I don’t know if they have the numbers to pull it off just yet
May 7, 2012
T Dot
I'm not a feed watcher, but I think Tyler has been playing the most balanced game out of everyone, and he's my favorite to win. His social game is good and he's an athletic competitor, so when his social game gets stretched thin, he's able to win comps to save himself/gain power.

*puts tin foil hat on*

Am I the only one thinking that production has their hands all on this season to save the more popular houseguests?

I have a feeling the safety suite was originally going to save 1 person, but they added a +1 to save both Janelle & Kaysar, and that veto competition favored Memphis out of everyone (dude is easily stronger than everyone playing, and being able to hold the paddle in place = the ball moving less). I feel like they were afraid of Tyler taking David off the block, and possibly seeing a popular houseguest up a replacement. Just my opinion :yeshrug:

It's not production, it's derrick and dan. There's always a bit of pre gaming on all star shows and season but this yr it went to hard. Those suckers never stood a chance once Dan n derrick connected they ppl together.

They r following the plan get rid of floaters 1at so other side will never have voted to out them even if they win HOH. Once that is done u take out 1 of the 3 leaders. Prolly kaysar like usual. Then use Janelle to trim the fat from the alliance. The extras u brought on Tyler, Xmas Enzo.

Then have ur orginal dan/derrick designed squad in end Memphis Cody Nicole f Dani.. Every1 else will be picked off.

They will dump Nicole f n then Memphis n Cody will both try 2 screw the other over to beat Dani in finals knowing every1 gonna hate Dani for all her gossiping and BS and no comp wins most likely.
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