Production always has their hands in the game. Wait until Tyler finally face some kind of adversity. Production will risk it all for him. Tyler is a good player no doubt, and i think he’s doing everything he should be doing right now. But i was never too impressed with his first time playing. He had an extremely loyal group, and they were playing the worst group of players ever, FOUTTE.I'm not a feed watcher, but I think Tyler has been playing the most balanced game out of everyone, and he's my favorite to win. His social game is good and he's an athletic competitor, so when his social game gets stretched thin, he's able to win comps to save himself/gain power.
*puts tin foil hat on*
Am I the only one thinking that production has their hands all on this season to save the more popular houseguests?
I have a feeling the safety suite was originally going to save 1 person, but they added a +1 to save both Janelle & Kaysar, and that veto competition favored Memphis out of everyone (dude is easily stronger than everyone playing, and being able to hold the paddle in place = the ball moving less). I feel like they were afraid of Tyler taking David off the block, and possibly seeing a popular houseguest up a replacement. Just my opinion![]()
As dumb as half this all stars cast is. His own alliance aren’t blindly and overly loyal this time around. They are on his level, if not better. He won’t make it past Dani, Enzo, Nicole F etc. They trust him, but they know what he’s capable of.They may not voice it yet, but they know. If Jaysar don’t win hoh and clip Cody i still got Cody winning. He may be in danger this week, but he’ll either win the safety comp, veto, or have the numbers to stay.
Something tells me David is gonna win HOH, and he’s gonna do what the majority (Cody, Tyler, Enzo) tell him to do.
To tell you the truth I wouldn’t be surprised if Jaysar or Kevin win the crapshoot later tonight and don’t even put him up. I know Jaysar wants Cody and nicole f’s head on a platter. But i think Day will make them squash it for a week. I think her and Cody pregamed when they were called to do the show. Needless to say. It will cause a struggle in this new so called group.
Sorry for the long post. BB is like a sport to me lol. I got a note i wrote a few days before the show premiered. I haven’t revised anything since then.

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