So the GOP want to be become a fascist party and now want to cry about being called a fascist party? Unreal.
It's not surprising. America has tons of jobs, but those jobs are hard labor with no perks/benefits. Like working the fields for lettuce or cabbage where automation can't still do those jobs because of the need of human hands to correctly pull them without damaging the crop. Most of these guys would spent 1 hour and say, "Let the Mexicans handle this."
Many of these people want the white collar jobs, with the big time wages. All the Money, no Effort.
Same thing with Fascism, they want the entitlements of being White but none of the effort. Only this time its with a philosophy of hatred that comes with it, some are too dumb to see it and others know it's Fascism but don't care as long as they get the benefits.
If 46% wont vote for you anyways, yet you see the Democrats being more enthusiastic and wanting you to square up, you start punching back because what are they going to do about it? Mean Meme Tweet about you being V for Vendetta? Why won't they put down the phone and do shyt like ActRed?
"Nah, it's a waste of my time."
Well are you going to vote for GOP?
"Why, it's rigged anyways?"
That's the GOP right now. Not only have they killed their voters with COVID-19 misinformation, but a solid portion ain't voting because they think the elections are rigged. What is the GOP doing about this? Nothing, but protecting Trump.