At this point, its obvious to me the smoke for "Maga c00ns" and bothsiders is misdirected anger for white democrats who have failed to successfully pass any worthwhile legislation to elevate black people while legislation for Asians, Jews, and funding wars overseas is railroaded expeditiously even through holidays and weekends. It's truly playing the dozens because the same people who voted for Democrats can't or won't hold them accountable. RGB refused to step downduring Obamas term, thats on her. Harry Reid never should have went for the nuclear option (simple majority) this is why the Senate is extremely partisan. The DNC should have never put their thumb on the scale and angered Sanders voters and Independents, thats on them. Had Bernie won like the polls predicted, he would have gotten those 3 Supreme Court picks. They have to own that, nobody else.
You got half the forum talking about how white women going to vote for Biden. All of a sudden we experts on suburban white women who post on Nextdoor about a suspicious black man "with cornrows" walking a pitbull in their neighborhood. Okay, he wins again. What are we getting, more abortion clinics that are already disproporationely in black regions? While Asians, East Indians, and Non-FBA AA's continue to marginalize our voting impact.
Obviously Trump is worse for Palestine, but Biden is a useful idiot. And if you think the biased response to the campus protests and "antisemetic" free speech won't be used to muzzle black protests in the future, whether its under Trump or Biden, I have bad news for you. The line between these two parties is almost non-existant to me at this point.
And as far as the economy, I know most of The Coli fits into the 6-Figure club, but the reality is consumer debt is at an all-time-high and home affordability is at its lowest point ever with these interest rates. Biden does not deserve all the blame for this because the spending started before him, but certainly doesn't deserve credit either. These low unemployment numbers (while salaries have not kept pace with inflation at all) and 3% inflation ducktales are used with laughable metrics that every president touts just like Trump did from 2017-2019.