Okay. Guess I gotta be the one.
I am actually working on something in this same format so just a little criticism:
I find it hard to read when someone is speaking entirely different words. Also, I find it hard to listen to the words of the song while trying to read. (Either instrumentals or have the voice over actually convey the dialogue)
Instead of handwriting the letters, perhaps one could utilize a digital graphics tool.
Honestly I haven't made it past the first few pages, but my overall impression was that of a doodles from a school notebook.
Like I said: I have a passion for Hip Hop and comics and I fux wit both every day. Just giving my honest feedback. Hope it's helpful.
Aight breh, since you attempted to semi-respectfully critique our project, I'll try to answer your questions/statements in the same manner.
1. That's great that you're working on something in the same format. Good Luck with that since it's a much harder feat than you may initially think.
2. The best way I can describe a (rap comic) is this way. Hope this example helps. Picture yourself reading a Wu-Tang Clan comic book while playing some Wu-Tang clan in the background. Now imagine that the songs are a soundtrack to whats going on in the comic book your reading. The songs don't necessarily have to tell you what's going on because that's what the illustrations and words in the panels will do. I can't explain the story of the comic any further if you can't grasp that concept, especially since the songs reflect the mood, thoughts, and actions of the characters on the pages. If you can't do two things at once like reading and listening then maybe this project ain't for you, but we're glad you tried. I'll just waste my time explaining the story since you said you couldn't finish the whole thing.
3. The best way to view the words and pictures clearly is if you view it in HD in the full screen video player. If you still have a hard time viewing things and understanding what's going on then, I can't help you. You must understand that this was just the first attempt at something like this. We didn't have a guideline to follow, so we'll definitely improve on the writing so apologies on that. I was making up the story/pictures/songs as we went along. This was a random project that we never set out to do, shyt just happened so keep that in mind. Everything was hand drawn and scanned to a computer. The production values for future projects are being improved upon.
4. If your overall impression is that this was just doodles from a school notebook, then that's cool, but I feel that by you not watching the whole thing will cause you to miss out on more than I could have gained from your feedback so we'll just be at a stalemate in regards to that.
I hope this reply gives you a better understanding of this rap/comic project that we did an if it doesn't