If you account for a wrestlers full capabilities, I don't see how objectively you get HBK over Scott Hall
Revisionist history has been really good to HBK. Even at his best, he was never great on the mic. He would say shock value smark shyt that wasn't really creative and when he wasn't doing a poor man's nwo schtick, he lost his smile. DX was the generic version of the NWO, because HBK and HHH were the generic versions of hall and nash. He wasn't as naturally cool nor nearly as gifted on the mic. Every HBK promo sounded the same, he's talking factually and grating his voice hoping you believe him. "Hey, its me, H-B-K...I was raised in San Antonio...and tonight, in front of this sold out arena, we are going to wrestle. I don't know if i am going to win *points at self* I don't know if your going to win *points at opponent*...but one thing is for sure, there will be a winner." Conversely, Scott Hall could do serious promos (as a babyface) heat/troll promos (All of his NWO work), chicken shyt heel (zbysco) character promos (Razor) in GOAT tier. Scott hall got a has been larry zbysco over before they even even wrestled. Shawn Michaels couldn't get corona relief checks over in a promo.
Sure, many regard HBK as a great and perhaps GOAT in-ring wrestler of all time, but scott hall was in the next tier below him. Let's not forget Scott hall could believably work with any size because he was versatile and could use his height in a way that benefited the match and opponent. Shawn Michaels had to bump around for his opponents and legitimately cry, Scott didnt have to resort to such bush-league antics.
Other considerations:
Scott Hall personified charisma, Shawn Michaels was a cock-eyed whiney fukk boy. Scott Hall was an instrumental part of the most legendary and revolutionary angle off all time. The best era of wrestling, and WWE, happened when Shawn Michaels finally got out the way. Scott hall gave us the goat version of Sting, HBK gave us ...Lance Cade. Razor's edge >> stupid kick. Scott Hall never resorted to using God to get over, Shawn Michaels did (and STILL lost in a tag match to 2 non-wrestlers). Essentially, youd have to believe that HBK was so much better at wrestling to compensate for his other gaping deficiencies to Hall or you'd have to value wrestling several times over anything else.