Stop right now.

... Might want to direct these requests to @2 Cold Taurus. It's his series. I'm just here for the fukkery.
Stop right now.
You pouring cooking oil all over the racetrack talmbout 'I'm just here for their competitive spirit'.![]()
... Might want to direct these requests to @2 Cold Taurus. It's his series. I'm just here for the fukkery.
Cena and Benoit did both have a Best of 7 series with Booker and the Benoit series was betterBooker was having dope ass best of series with Chris Benoit without being carried and people are still saying Cena is better in ring![]()
i like book but i cant recall him ever having a classic
Why do I have the feeling you're going to do Roman Reigns versus Brock Lesnar?![]()
Unfortunately only living wrestlers are participants in this...Time to really start fukking with our inner marks. Set the bracket up to where somebody's childhood/adolescent fave goes home EVERY ROUND on someshyt.
Put the Rock/Okada winner against the HBK/Bryan winner
Still got potential matchups such as Stone Cold vs. Eddie Guerrero, Kenta Kobashi vs. KENTA, Kurt Angle vs. Ric Flair, Randy Savage vs. Chris Jericho... the possibilities![]()
happy MLK day brehs
now that the BWIW is over we about to start up another tourney that'll keep TSC fukkery filled for the next few months
this is gonna be a "best alive" tourney so only nominate living wrestlers, if in an unfortunate situation someone passes away while the tourney is going on then they'll still be eligible to win since they were alive when it started
Nah WCW was trashDid you watch any of his WCW run as a singles star?
Nah WCW was trash