Ring work (10)
Both are 10 to me, even if neither work my favorite type of match. The amount of good shyt with different opponents, settings and roles is undeniable.
Mic work/promos (10)
Unfair comparison. Bret wins by default but it's a non issue imo. He had a couple of good years promo wise in his later years though.
Personality/gimmicks (10)
I'd go with Tana. New Japan resurgence happened in large part because he was more than a guy that could have dope matches. His charisma is special and connects with the audience to the point of getting people to pick New Japan's product once again. Bret is an iconic figure for 90's wrestling fans but his stoic personality wasn't the main reason driving that, I think.
Overall rating (10)
In my mind I have Tana as the more complete wrestler but I'm not even sure why. I guess it's recency bias.
Number of matches you like from each person
For the longest time I've had this weird thing with Bret were even though I can't deny how great he was, I'm just not that into most of his matches, he's like a perfect wrestling robot that I don't feel much connection with.
I followed Tana's career as closely as any wrestler from 07' to 13' and even though I grew tired of the style by the end of 12', I don't feel like watching his stuff is a chore, like most Bret matches.
Having said that, I don't think any Tana match is better than Bret vs Austin at Mania 13
This is too close. I voted Tana but I don't have a stronger argument than "I like him more
