Lopez got 0 vote so far but he scored a huge win 2 weeks ago. I still say Haney overall but it seems I judged Lopez's toughness wrong, I thought Commey would drown him and stop him., didn't like at all how Lopez reacted to even a minor setback (Nakatani fight), seemed like his confidence was gone fo good. But he roared back and scored the best win anyone has on this list currently.
Meanwhile, Haney got made to look human but he still won wide on the cards and I think it was a good experience to box against a skilled, tall-rangy dude who you can't really look good against except if you knock his ass out somehow.
Also, Ryan Garcia passed his first real test with flying colors, it seems like dude will be here to stay and annoy a good amount of fans with his dancing and singing.
I just read they gonna make Garcia vs Fonseca next, I think that's a good fight for Garcia at this stage of his career. Fonseca only lost to Tank and Farmer and he made both look bad in the process.