A couple Androids like who? One?
"Coulda killed cell" doesn't mean he actually did.
He "beat" Goku by sneaking up on him after he thought they made a truce. I understand your probably gonna say you always gotta be on your toes in a fight ......but this was a truce...
Dude didn't even at least do it to his face, he did it with his back turned even worse AFTER they made a truce
Yeah he "took yamcha's bytch" who had probably broken up ages before AND does anyone have that infamous picture of where Bulma has her hands out in front of her with her eyes closed leading him behind with her finger while he is following with his head down like a lost puppy?
Getting clowned even after the "leading a puppy incident' by being forced to wear a shirt with flowers with him getting clowned even more.
Oh yeah and who could forget this little gem of Vegeta showing that elite winning
Vegeta Vs. Android 18 Pt. 2 (1080p HD) - YouTube
Vegeta's determination and will to fight while holding the crown as Prince of Saiyans and the entire race of Saiyans>>>>>>>>>>>Buu, Cell, Frieza
Vegeta's leadership during the Kid Buu saga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*
His sacrifice against Buu and speech to Trunks>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*
We gonna ignore Goku constantly needing to do fusion wit Vegeta to win fights. We gonna ignore the countless times Vegeta saved Goku's ass (especially against Andriod 19 and Kid Buu). We gonna ignore that Goku is only the way he is cuz Vegeta slapped his ass around and made him realize he's a Saiyan warrior and not a weak human. We gonna forget that Vegeta only acknowledges Goku by his Sayian name, Kakarot. smh
Bow to the Prince chumps