I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
So just say you're not going to vote at all and leave it at that...
No I'm not going to vote. I have no desire to put someone in office who haven't made it clear they have my best interests in mind.
At least Bernie's plans indirectly benefit black people like legalizing weed so blacks don't face BS drug charges.
Are you serious? You really think those laws will apply to us?
What has any politicians done for black people? You totally misunderstand why certain black people on here are voting for Sanders, but more importantly you continue to misunderstand that politicians walk the walk when MONEY is THROWN towards their way. This isn't black or white, looking through the the lens like that is too simple.
Again, what has Sanders promised to do for black people? Can you point out a single piece of legislation he's sponsored in his decade in the Senate?
of course I'm making it about black and white. The problem is you're not. Youre willing to give this cac you're vote when he hasn't done shyt for black people. Please tell me what he's done to earn your vote.PS: Note I said, "on paper."
lol...Once more you make this black and white by making this solely about race. Again just state you're not voting at all.
The people on Coli who are voting for Bernie are not "gung ho" for him, he's just the LESSER EVIL. His plans which may not be exclusively for blacks, will indirectly HELP blacks. Income inequality anyone?
Bernie Sanders on Economic Inequality
See that is why we are voting for Bernie. Better him than the others. We'd rather him in the white house than the Clinton or godforsake freaking Trump. Lesser of the evils. Its not hard to grasp. Which is why I voted for Obama again(not a fan of Obama). Because I sure as hell did not want Romney to win.
Anyways past that point, FDR "New Deal" plan was not even a "black" exclusive plan, yet it surged almost all African-Americans into the middle class and helped fuel the civil rights movement. This is why I find your "buh buh, what has Berny done for black folks" annoying and tiring. Stop looking at crap solely by race. Think outside the box and research on how each politicians plan can indirectly benefit blacks.
And yet another post full of hot air. And the bolded which is so obvious. Black people give their allegiance to the Democracts and leftist, because Republicans showed us the freaking door since the 40's/50's. I too am not even a big fan of the Democratic party, but even I have common sense to grasp that the Democratic party and liberals have been more beneficial than the Republicans/right towards African-Americans. What party are blacks suppose to go to? Fact is as of right now the left/liberals have been more beneficial according to blacks in America.
And you can't compare Bernie to the Clinton's, because we have not seen what he has done as president to make such bold similarities.
They're very gung ho for him. They say they'll vote for him even though he hasn't promised a damn thing for us. You would put this cave devil in office without asking him to do anything for you. Y'all nikkas are politically asleep