For people like
@wtfyomom @Mook and
@Rhakim constantly bringing up Bernie’s past actions, only one thing matters to Americans when it comes to politics:
Pushing for Medicare for All, $15 minimum wage, enhancing worker-owned cooperatives, improving early childhood education, making college more affordable, criminal justice reform, and ending the privatization of prisons.
If you don't believe those things will help the Black community, and you think another candidate has it better, then definitely vote for that other candidate. Right now I wouldn't mind if either Sanders or Warren won and I'm like some of Yang's ideas to keep getting airplay. No one else has impressed me enough yet.
I didn't even want to support Sanders cause to me he's too old for this cycle but I ain't seeing a lot of options out there. Every time I wanted to jump on some other candidate's bandwagon HL came through and proved to me they were trash.
We're not going to Juelz the crime bill into worth a vote in 2020 after weaponizing it against someone who didn't even have a vote on it in 2016.
Don't be a fool. Clinton had FAR more culpability than Sanders. They were calling them "co-presidents" and "his most important adviser" and she openly and publicly pushed that tough-on-crime shyt the whole way. This like saying that Stephen Miller isn't responsible for immigration policy cause he "doesn't have a vote".
The standard has been set. It led to the mass incarceration of blacks. Knowing this and voting for it is a stain on his legislative record.
Nah, it helped continue the mass incarceration that was well under way. The same mass incarceration that Sanders opposed in 1991, 1994, and 1996, every damn time the crime bill came up. The same mass incarceration he was attacking in that speech I already posted.
He made clear which parts of the bill he was for and which parts he was against. If supporting the positive parts while opposing the mass incarceration parts makes him anti-Black, then do you think Kweisi Mfume and Bobby Rush are anti-Black too? They ALL believe now that the crime bill was a mistake, but that doesn't mean that they were opposing the Black community when they cast their vote. If anyone else had thought that, then how did Mfume get elected president of the NAACP and how is Rush still representing the south side of Chicago to this day?