Only 1 % of the population yet so much pandering and bowing down for his community. His community is apart of that same totem pole of white supremacy. Dont let these gays or white women try to cast all the blame off to white men. Or pretend they are being oppressed while not benefiting. The only reason the LGBT has such a voice is because of how many powerful white gay/pedophile elites there are in this country. And they have enough sway with straight white men who want to maintain that power.
Then the LGBT oppresses women of all color,by convincing them to cosign their insanity under universal law#TheChildOfMan. Of course the black LGBTs desire to oppress,sissify and ruin reputations of straight black men. While putting the battery in womens back to "do their big one" against black men. At the very least they encourage the divisivness rather than be peace makers. We dont even need to get into brainwashing of the children.
LGBT is hand in hand with white supremacy like the ending of Guardians of The Galaxy. Theyve already joined hands with the white man to help empower him more. Now they have their hand out to black women as you see in this clip with Shapiro.
Will black women join them in empowering the white man to further oppress black men? Gay black men have their hand out in reassurance that its safe. Stay tuned