thread is getting disgusting
We can't make everything about our struggle and completely disregard context/perspective and the people who lost their lives yall....
Breh breh it's OK having a good heart and kind spirit. You seem like a good person but Europe imperialism has caused the world to be in a dark age for sometime now. What goes around comes around and this is their result of their actions not in Africa but the Middle East. Since when it became cool to bully people for centuries and don't expect consequences???? Those citizens don't care about African American or African plight in this world. They profited off it. So fukk them.
As I said before I have no comment. How you going to bomb rape kill innocent lives in Africa and Middle East and expect shyt not to happen. The world is changing man and in order for it to change shyt like this will be a common occurrence.
Stayed prayed up protect yourself family and to be honest practice your African religion before slavery cause a Jesus not going to save your ass.