Being a program hopper unappreciation thread


Oct 10, 2014
I try to lift as hard and heavy as I can every time I go, and I do dropsets for everything. If I feel I overtrained a certain muscle group, I simply deload.

If my forearms are zapped and sore cause I've been doing lots of "heavy" weighted chins, I'll reduce the weight or just do unweighted reps. I micromanage my deloads depending on the exercise.

If I want to focus on a particular exercise, I hit it hard and I hit it first. Always squat before I deadlift to preserve dem stabalizers for the deads, then again, I did weighted chin's first so stabalizers still got their donk diddled but fukk it.

Today I wanted to try and do a training max for OHP so I did OHP first. I'll name what I did from start to end in order.

Barbell overhead press, weighted chins, front squats, bench, deadlift (only one set of five), weighted dips

As a finisher, I always do a couple sets of ab isolation exercises. I usually do an endurance set and a "power" set. Endurance = strictly bodyweight, higher reps "power" = weights added

so today I did one 80 rep set of Marine-style crunches, then two sets of plate sit-ups with a 45-lb plate.

You do enough compounds like squats, OHP or deadlifts and your core will get a workout from those alone

Usually workout 2 or 3 times a week. I've noticed lately that my forearms are as defined as they've ever been from weighted chins. Only been seriously doing them for like 1-3 months.

Now, I've thrown all of my iso exercises in the bushes. I'm trying to preserve as much strength as a I can to cut and become a much better runner so I dgaf about having a lot of mass, but you can still tailor a full body program to your goals.
dont that burn up your CNS though? OHP, chins, squats, bench , deadlift on one day :whew:

I workout at home and can do everything but squats, so im looking to get a hex bar to hit some more legs that im missing only doing deads

everybody says start out doing a strength program 5x5 but i jumped right into a split and seen good progress with mass. Not so much weight as I still cant bench my bodyweight after six months. I tend to do higher reps around 8-12, or if im doing 5 sets ill do 15-12-10-8-8. Never done a 1 rep max before

Most of my exercises are compound but I do do 1-2 isos each workout. You never do lateral raises or rear delts flyes?I feel like these two really cap the shoulder, at least for me. My side delts werent growing from OHP. in the last 4 months I started doing laterals and they really popped

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
dont that burn up your CNS though? OHP, chins, squats, bench , deadlift on one day :whew:

I workout at home and can do everything but squats, so im looking to get a hex bar to hit some more legs that im missing only doing deads

everybody says start out doing a strength program 5x5 but i jumped right into a split and seen good progress with mass. Not so much weight as I still cant bench my bodyweight after six months. I tend to do higher reps around 8-12, or if im doing 5 sets ill do 15-12-10-8-8. Never done a 1 rep max before

Most of my exercises are compound but I do do 1-2 isos each workout. You never do lateral raises or rear delts flyes?I feel like these two really cap the shoulder, at least for me. My side delts werent growing from OHP. in the last 4 months I started doing laterals and they really popped
Only thing that will fry your CNS is lifting close to your 1RM

U lift in that 65-80% range u will be good money. IMO no sense doing 1RMs, I know powerlifters who dont do 1RMs outside of competition

The no accessory life is OK for some but if u want to do them or have aesthetics as your goal do them. I was on that wave for a while and saw no gains. My arms are a lot bigger now that I started doing them.


May 29, 2012
dont that burn up your CNS though? OHP, chins, squats, bench , deadlift on one day :whew:

I workout at home and can do everything but squats, so im looking to get a hex bar to hit some more legs that im missing only doing deads

everybody says start out doing a strength program 5x5 but i jumped right into a split and seen good progress with mass. Not so much weight as I still cant bench my bodyweight after six months. I tend to do higher reps around 8-12, or if im doing 5 sets ill do 15-12-10-8-8. Never done a 1 rep max before

Most of my exercises are compound but I do do 1-2 isos each workout. You never do lateral raises or rear delts flyes?I feel like these two really cap the shoulder, at least for me. My side delts werent growing from OHP. in the last 4 months I started doing laterals and they really popped

:manny: that's why I reduce the volume. If I wanna focus on a particular thing, more sets, more reps. If I need a break on a particular thing, less sets, less reps. Some days I don't squat, sometimes I might just go in and do OHP and chins.

That's why rest is very important on a regimen like this. I only do it twice a week, three at the most if I missed a certain exercise. Only thing that really kills me is deadlifts. Mentally, I feel fried after them if they're heavy, and I always do one set of five at most for deadlifts. On days I don't squat, I fukk around and do more sets tho.

Every once in a while I'll throw in 3-4 sets of light lateral raises, but honestly I feel like my delts became defined from just OHP and upright rows, although I don't really do upright rows anymore.

I don't really care what I look like from lifting, I just want to preserve strength as much as possible as I lose weight, hence all of the compounds.

If you focus on lifting heavy you're gonna get strong as fukk man. Progressive overload is the name of the game, that and eating more cals.

For example on weighted chins I might just do a triple with 45 pounds. Then I drop down to 35 do a set of three. Drop to 25 do a set of 5. Drop to 15 and do a set of 5. Do an unweighted set of 6-7 as a finisher.

Try bumping up the weight to where you can do one, that's your one rep max. Then try setting up triples (sets of three) of a weight that is very challenging.

One rep max is just a way for you to gauge where you're at strength wise

If you're able to do that many reps, either work on adding more reps, or work on doing more weight.

Unless I'm trying to build up my endurance on a particular exercise (goal is 20 dead hang pullups) I don't do more than like 6-8. I always try to shoot for 3-5 of a challenging weight.

Personally I love the challenge of building up one rep maxes. I don't give a fukk about aesthetics, so again, your goals might be different


Oct 10, 2014
Only thing that will fry your CNS is lifting close to your 1RM

U lift in that 65-80% range u will be good money. IMO no sense doing 1RMs, I know powerlifters who dont do 1RMs outside of competition

The no accessory life is OK for some but if u want to do them or have aesthetics as your goal do them. I was on that wave for a while and saw no gains. My arms are a lot bigger now that I started doing them.
yea i gotta say i mainly lift for physique, and i have real small joints so i know they can only handle so much weight. aside from my shoulders my arms havent shown near as much progress as my chest or back so im definitely gonna hit them 2 or 3 times a week. right now i just do 2 sets of curls after back day and 3 sets skullcrushers after chest day, but not much success. the majority of the weight ive gained so far seemed to go to my legs chest and back/shoulders. imma look into a whole new routine soon but i dunno bout a full body, upper lower sounds more suitable for me


May 29, 2012
yea i gotta say i mainly lift for physique, and i have real small joints so i know they can only handle so much weight. aside from my shoulders my arms havent shown near as much progress as my chest or back so im definitely gonna hit them 2 or 3 times a week. right now i just do 2 sets of curls after back day and 3 sets skullcrushers after chest day, but not much success. the majority of the weight ive gained so far seemed to go to my legs chest and back/shoulders. imma look into a whole new routine soon but i dunno bout a full body, upper lower sounds more suitable for me

Keep in mind man nothing is stopping you from doing compounds and just throwing in accessories for weakpoints.

I don't isolate calves at all, maybe you wanna grow your calves. If your biceps are lagging, throw in curls.

That's what accessories are for.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
yea i gotta say i mainly lift for physique, and i have real small joints so i know they can only handle so much weight. aside from my shoulders my arms havent shown near as much progress as my chest or back so im definitely gonna hit them 2 or 3 times a week. right now i just do 2 sets of curls after back day and 3 sets skullcrushers after chest day, but not much success. the majority of the weight ive gained so far seemed to go to my legs chest and back/shoulders. imma look into a whole new routine soon but i dunno bout a full body, upper lower sounds more suitable for me
Supersetting one movement of biceps and triceps 2-3x/week will get u right. Doesnt take much. 3-5 supersets every 2-3 days.


Oct 10, 2014
Keep in mind man nothing is stopping you from doing compounds and just throwing in accessories for weakpoints.

I don't isolate calves at all, maybe you wanna grow your calves. If your biceps are lagging, throw in curls.

That's what accessories are for.
yea all my lifts are compounds except for 1 or 2 isos ill do at the end of every workout. My main lifts are Bent over rows, t-bar rows, deadlifts, incline and flat bench press, seated shoulder press, pullups, dips. For legs i reall only do lunges, hamstring curl and calf raises. The only type of squats I can do are Jefferson squats cuz I dont have a squat rack at home, and after I had surgery to reconstruct a torn acl i cant do leg extensions which i used to love finishing em off with that burn. I been real careful when I do legs and dont go too hard cuz im weary of the knee. i focus more on upper body :manny:

Supersetting one movement of biceps and triceps 2-3x/week will get u right. Doesnt take much. 3-5 supersets every 2-3 days.
imma try that. my bis tris dont really get sore from direct work so no problem hitting em that frequently. the only thing that gets my tris sore for some reason are dumbbell pullovers which i do every now and then on back day. im thinking its the stretch