Becky Lynch Appreciation Thread

Vic Damone. Jr

Don't support the phonies, support the real
Jul 24, 2015
Memphis TN



Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
A heel turn..but for who?
On if she would consider joining Total Divas:“When I first got on the road there was a conversation about that. For me, I don’t think that is in my future. I appreciate what it’s done for the other girls; but, I think I would like to keep my real life separate from wrestling. I do not foresee me on any reality TV show.”

On what she thinks about being called Charlotte Flair’s sidekick: “I get called that a lot; but, it’s never anything that I feel I am. That is, I guess, that ends up being the position and that ends up being what I’m called a lot of the time and of course that’s bothering because I’m a woman on my own and I’ve been struggling through this thing since I was sixteen years old….of course that’s gonna effect you and of course that’s gonna hit you. I understand roles and she’s awesome and I always want her to do absolutely amazing things and she’s so capable and everything that she’s been through and she has so much passion for this business and is such a wonderful sweet human being. I always just want to be on the same level and the same conversation. You never want to be thought of as less than because you’re putting your heart and soul into everything that you go out there and do. You don’t stop thinking about it. Of course, you’re never gonna be happy or content being called and that’s not how I ever see myself. When it’s said and it’s reiterated, that’s always a little bit like, ‘Arrrgh darn it. I thought I’d passed that.’ It works for the storyline.”

On Flair being added to the Smackdown Women’s Championship match at SummerSlam: “It’s kind of par for the course, especially with my character. It’s always that she’s almost there. Always almost. Then there’s another obstacle and then she’s gotta overcome that. There’s always gonna be obstacles thrown in my way and I think that’s been the thing that’s gotten the fans so far behind me. It’s that things don’t come easy for me. It’s never a straight path. There’s always trees falling down and I’m climbing over them. Then there’s fricking lightning bolts and it almost hits me. I’m trying to dodge out of the way. I feel like I would have thought it would be a Triple Threat or a 4-Way or something. I always figured that there would be something else that would come on the way. It was never gonna be a straight shot right to SummerSlam.”