Dude in pink got real measured when one of the first big men came to restrain him, it was a black dude.
I'm willing to bet alot of these men in attendance woman told them "Honey,don't get involved
:" worried about ruining there Disney visit smh.
All those so called men who listened to they woman and did nothing while this was happening lost. And lets just face the facts,it was allowed to continue because she was black.
Granted at different points the black women were being aggressive especially the one who spit and set it off.
But I can guarantee you ,no matter how aggressive a white woman was being,no way any white man or black man would have been allowed to tee off on her multiple times for no reason without an army of men and women intervening. This is what happens when you degrade the image of the black woman,both male and female. Violent and aggressive behavior is seen as the norm and they are assumed to have had it coming and can handle it.