Yes, you said that you appreciate blurring out an integral part of their cultural heritage because it offends you, you'd rather it wasn't there so you replace it with a black box. Effectively 'blacking out' their own appreciation for the human form because it doesn't suit your own cultural disposition.. One might say you're REVISING it.. Like if someone didn't like that the Sphinx had some Jackson five nostrils and decided to shoot them off because they 'offend' him.
I think Dr. Welsing had a chapter or two about this idea that a certain race monopolized the idea of being created in sin and feeling shame/the need to censor the human form
considering this a black forum, im gonna presume u are black. if that's the case, do you wear an african custom on your day to day goings? if not, why not??
do u wear african garments to work? why not? indians do it with their costumes. why cant u do it? matter of fact, when was the last time you wore anything african in public? oh wait, ur an african american huh? ok cool. you're still african. why arent u embracing everything that is african and show that your proud. of course u wont do that, because of the very silly argument you're making.
the fact that you, if you are black, cant see the subliminal dehumanization they do to your people on TV, even as an adult, is quite troubling.
when kids grow up watching sh1t like this, and they see its only black people (for the most part) who have their nakedness shown on TV, it tampers with their subconscious. makes it viable to be molded into forms that often manifest in racist views. but, fukk it. school is not in session today.