Battlefield 4 PS4 TGS hands-on "nothing to criticize," plays & looks like BF on PC


May 1, 2012
Just was about to post this fam...

Xbots furious again.

The beginning of struggle multiplats begins.....

them nikkaz STILL haven't shown an ounce of XB1 BF4 footage.... :laff:

Dice knows where there bread is buttered on the console side..... :mjpls:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
"I've seen a lot of people worried that Battlefield 4 on the PlayStation 4 isn't going to be up to snuff with the PC version. Even I was worried, and it's understandable when you look at how big a gap there was between the PlayStation 3 and PC versions of the previous installment in the series.

Fear not my fellow soldiers, Battlefield 4 on PS4 is legit. I'm what you would call a PC player when it comes to Battlefield, but I jumped right into a 16 vs. 16 match of Obliteration on the Shanghai map and got right down to business. Or should I say pleasure, because what followed could only be described as epic amounts of fun for all involved.

First off let me address the previous rumors or critisisms about the PS4 version. There's just nothing to criticize. This is coming from someone who couldn't stand the PS3 version of BF3. I have no idea what resolution the game was running at on the PS4, but it looked as good or better than BF3 on my PC, and ran at a smooth 60 fps looking amazing the entire time I played. I saw no sign of low quality textures or any issues at all. And while I'm sure high end PCs running the game at 1080p or higher will ultimately look better when you nit pick, there's nothing to complain about here. The game looks and plays like Battlefield on the PC, and that's great news.

I'm used to playing Battlefield on the PC, so switching to a controller wasn't the easiest thing to get used to right away. That problem fairly quickly went away though, thanks largely in part to the awesome new Dual Shock 4 controller Sony has built. The new controller has really nice feeling triggers, so shooting and aiming has been moved to the L2 and R2 triggers, as opposed to L1 and R1 on PS3. This feels much more natural. The new analog sticks and controller shape also feel a lot better in your hands making aiming and shooting a breeze. I was killing fools like a pro in no time."

we still havent seen the stugglebox version
@PS4 :mjpls:
I guess you didn't want to put the name of the blog you got this from :what:
And the blogsman played 16-16, how come he didn't try that good 32 vs 32 :ohhh:

All types of fail is heading your way buddy, you don't find it odd that nobody else from any respectable website had anything positive to say about PS4 BF4, yet here you are with unnamed stories trying to make it appear there is no issues :laff:

Sorry buddy, but the fact you didn't link this revelation leads me to believe :uFURIOUS:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Figured you was just copying and pasting Neogaf threads :snoop:

And he left out things like this, where the story originated from..
ple worried that Battlefield 4 on the PlayStation 4 isn't going to be up to snuff with the PC version. Even I was worried, and it's understandable when you look at how big a gap there was between the PlayStation 3 and PC versions of the previous installment in the series.



How Hyped are you?

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: • PC • PS4
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Battlefield 4 Hands On: How Does The PS4 Version Stack Up?


Random on September 20, 2013 at 02:34 am

Fear not my fellow soldiers, Battlefield 4 on PS4 is legit. I'm what you would call a PC player when it comes to Battlefield, but I jumped right into a 16 vs. 16 match of Obliteration on the Shanghai map and got right down to business. Or should I say pleasure, because what followed could only be described as epic amounts of fun for all involved.


First off let me address the previous rumors or critisisms about the PS4 version. There's just nothing to criticize. This is coming from someone who couldn't stand the PS3 version of BF3. I have no idea what resolution the game was running at on the PS4, but it looked as good or better than BF3 on my PC, and ran at a smooth 60 fps looking amazing the entire time I played. I saw no sign of low quality textures or any issues at all. And while I'm sure high end PCs running the game at 1080p or higher will ultimately look better when you nit pick, there's nothing to complain about here. The game looks and plays like Battlefield on the PC, and that's great news.

I'm used to playing Battlefield on the PC, so switching to a controller wasn't the easiest thing to get used to right away. That problem fairly quickly went away though, thanks largely in part to the awesome new Dual Shock 4 controller Sony has built. The new controller has really nice feeling triggers, so shooting and aiming has been moved to the L2 and R2 triggers, as opposed to L1 and R1 on PS3. This feels much more natural. The new analog sticks and controller shape also feel a lot better in your hands making aiming and shooting a breeze. I was killing fools like a pro in no time.

It really feels like the mechanics have been overhauled in BF4, and much improved. Where in BF3 I had a difficult time hitting targets at a distance with an assault rifle using a controller, I felt like it was much easier to hit my targets in BF4. This could be in part related to the new controller, but never the less, it was better. Vehicle control also felt more natural and less like fighting with the thing you're trying to drive. The differences were minor, but noticable.

The new spawn map after dying was also a welcome change in BF4. A large map fills the screen and lets you select your desired spawn point with ease. You can also change your loadout without having to switch to a different screen entirely, which is nice.

The new Obliteration mode is a lot of fun. There is one bomb and both teams fight for possession of it. Once you have possession, you need to plant it on one of the enemy MCOM stations to score. The beauty of this is that everyone is heading towards the bomb at all times, so there's always this massive choke point that moves around the map. It reminded me of a game of soccer, always fighting for the ball and trying to get it to the goal. Which is brilliant I think for a military shooter.

The highlight of my match came when I realized that no one was using any of the vehicles. I think this is because most people didn't realize how to spawn into them. I jumped into a transport helicopter and started flying up high towards the bomb icon on the map. There was a large battle going on below the big skyscraper on the map. My intention was to fly to the top, land my helicopter on the roof, base jump off the top and take the enemies below by surprise. Landing on the roof proved to be a bit difficult, so I decided to put the heli over top of the enemies and just bail out. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out what button on the controller wait eject, and ending up switching helplessly to the gunner seat as my pilotless heli plummeted to the ground below. In my last moments, I found my self facing directly down with a minigun in my hands, and unleashed a barrage of bullets on the enemy team, taking out one player before I exploded in a fiery ball of... fire. Only in Battlefield.

EA had a Battlefield 4 hummer on display at their booth too! Check it out.


So let me get this straight, he compares it to BF3 on PC :deadmanny:
He doesn't even know this game is coming to Xbox One, 360, PS3
You can tell he wouldn't of had a problem with the previous build that everyone said looked like shyt

Struggle stories, stuggle hopes, now why is all this struggle happening? bruh? :popcorn:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
And Arcadium dwellers, if you still not sure what I'm getting at. Why do PS fanboys feel the need to show BF4 running properly? Is it because its known that the game is running like shyt?
What about Xbox is what the fanboys will ask (changing the subject in the process)
Well, the Xbox version has always been good. Let EA tell you this themselves...
Frostbite 3 Supports DirectX 11.1 API – Faster GPU/CPU Performance on PCs and Xbox One

Now this is the interesting bit, DICE confirms that the Frostbite 3 engine supports DirectX 11.1 API as revealed by DSOGaming.
“We use DX11.1, there are some optimizations in it (constant buffer offsets, dynamic buffers as SRVs) that we got in to the the API that improves CPU performance in our rendering when one runs with DX11.1. This will be in BF4.”
This means that PC and Xbox One versions of Battlefield 4 would be more optimized than PlayStation 4. There’s also a hint at AMD’s Next “Never Settle Bundle” featuring Battlefield 4 as a free title which is a good deal for AMD users.
And here is the link so you can see I'm not talking about my ass like say a @Liquid or any other 3cept in this forum

And to answer the question as to why the 360 version hasn't been shown yet. Because if they show that version, PS gamers will be disappointed TODAY and that could affect sales. They an emotional bunch
Ask them how that 2nd screen experience, and Kinect leaning functionality is working on PS4
EA and Microsoft openly talk about all this stuff, but everything PS4 related is a mystery :ohhh:

We can keep playing dumb on why that is, but only a butthurt fakkit would actually deny it :heh:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
The battlefield devs already said the game would be like pc bf4 on medium settings.

I don't know what the debate is about here
Well if DICE was like "there is nothing to criticize" then maybe this would be thread worthy
But these dudes quoting nikkaz from blogsites :laff:

They just furious over the fact that Xbox One is on the Toys R Us top 15 :win:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
im sure ms didnt pay for that :beli:
Look how pathetic you and your stans are :laff:
Toys R Us picks it as the Hot Item and your like :wrist: Microsoft bought that :sadbron:
nikka, you don't know that. Toys R Us does this every year, why would M$ have to buy that spot? Cuz you furious?
I can tell you all about the games, the system, the online. PS4 is still mostly a mystery. Why would a kid want a PS4? Knack :bryan:
Truth is, the system is lame right now. You can't even have this convo with me because you are too immature to.
To have a convo, we have to actually talk about all the things you refuse to like PSN, and PS4 games.
You'd have to accept the fact that Kinect is cool, and that TV with XBox is revolutionary.
If you can't do that, have fun hyping up Knack. Hype up a Killzone game that has never "made it" in its previous iterations.
There isn't another PS4 game to talk about. But lets put it as the hot item right? :umad:
why havent they shown the stugglebox version :patrice:
I already answered that, but you choosing to ignore it doesn't make it less true.
When has any company shown off a game when one version is crap? I'll wait :popcorn:
All inside reports say the PS4 version is struggling. I posted exactly why, no Direct X.11
Sony is Linux, so the game has to be ported to PS4 just like the majority of games made for PS4. Anything else you wanna learn, I'm here :win: