People don't talk openly about politics because it's personal and goes into revealing what you trully believe in.
I have ZERO respect for blacks who associate with cacs, and yes, I call them c00nS because that's what they are. You judge a party by looking at their voters, not just the politicians they elect... and GOP voters simply tend to be repulsive cacs.
Blue dog democrats? They are almost extinct now because they tended to be socially conservative (anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-minority). They were basically republicans who ran as "democrat" out of electoral convenience. It's no wonder that so many of them switched parties when things started to get rough in 2010.
Pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-minority, pro-immigration republicans today? If they exist, they sure wouldn't get elected because they represent an oxymoron in our modern politics. There are some things today that are basically non-negotiable in party orthodoxy (and it's driven by VOTERS, not politicians). If anything, the democratic party is definitely more diverse ideologically than the rigid GOP: Where are the GOP's versions of Lieberman, Tester, Nelson and Manchin?
Michael Bloomberg's experience illustrate it perfectly.
Mormon beliefs...
-Jesus lived in North America (Ancient Hebrews
rowed him there!)
-Native Americans are actually Israelites who used to be white until they rejected Jesus and God turned them red.
-The Garden of Eden was in Jackson County, Missouri.
-They embraced Polygamy, but conveniently dropped it after the US Government threatened them (it's still in their book though).
-When mormons die they will become Gods of other planets (and have multiple wives)
-They are to listen to the elders in the church over anything or anyone else, including our laws.
-There the magical/sacred underwear thing (spiritual undergarments)... No comment.
-Black people were only 3/4 human and God burned them because they refused to accept him (Mark of Cain), until 1970's when Congress made them change that belief in order for them to be recognized as a church for tax exempt status.
-God decided in 1978 to let African-Americans gain Mormon priesthood, after years of public ridicule and threats.
-Convicted felon Joseph Smith is the one who God told this new testament of Christ by decoding magical gold plates he found in America and using magical decoder rocks (of course, NOBODY was allowed to ever see these imaginary gold plates).
-Gay reparative therapy.
-Women second class citizens (even in heaven!)
-Post-mortem baptisms of non-mormons at cemeteries.
-Secret rituals
... and again:
Ancient Hebrews rowed Jesus to America!!!