Wack card
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Wack card
How you gonna get the title on Orton or Sheamus when they are nowhere near the title picture?
It's either show, Dolph, or del rio in the title match at this point
I don't even think Sheamus will be in the number one contender EC match as he will most likely be dealing with the shield
So I guess cara-Rey is off? What a disaster those two have been. They should just stay a tag team til Rey retires.
Dbry and Kane are fighting each other, for the Tag Team Championship.
Elimination chamber. Simple change.
Roman reigns (the other 2 vs hell no in tag match)
Ends that fued..puts belt in hands of sheamus or rko.
We are gonna get another big show vs del rio match it seems
That only makes sense if Trips jobs to Lesnar again...and we know that aint happeningIt's possible we get hhh vs Brock at EC and then taker vs Brock at Wrestlemania
Punk vs. Rock vs. Cena
The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
Orton vs. Sheamus
Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ryback vs. The Big Show
Kane vs. Daniel Bryan
Random Divas Match
Random Match that can include the bigger names that aren't booked already