So you are dead?
yeah,...about a year ago.
when i was gone, i almost did die, out in dese streets, fool.
i lost forty to fifty pounds of muscle and it has only been a year after and i don't use creatine.
i used to weigh 186lbs,..of mostly muscle.
i put on eight pounds of muscle, naturally lifting in ten months.
in general, the body can naturally only can put on fifteen pounds of real muscle if you body build.
i am dumbbell side lateral flying,,...thirty three pounds with all form after eight months.
my strength is stupid,...probably strongest i ever been.
i don't have many fat cells, right now.
art barr
my pecs on davey boy smith in wcw comeback mode right, back is big, goofie!!
when i flex, my pec's anatomically a jim lee comix.
my pecs don't disappear like kofi kingston, dummy!!
you got bytch t*ts nikka....
i look like austin aries in eight months, two years, i will be even bigger.
a year ago, being nesr death was the biggest blessing for me, fool.
you would have sat around at thirty five and perished and stayed ill, talembout the good ol days.