Well Poindexter I guess i'm not as advanced of African anthropology as you are so why don't you enlighten me by posting links to your sources then explaining to me in your own words the difference between Niger Congo African Mande and Niger Congo Bantu

btw...if your simple ass checked out the link or knew what you were talking bout you wouldn't claim something prosperous as most West Africans are Mande considering Mande langaugse are spoken in only a handful of African countries
I think it's illogical and racist to lump diverse African ethnic groups into one group based on little more than their region in Africa....Clearly this is nothing more than a move by cacs to separate SSA from there native idigenous(black) Maghreb brothers in the North...i'm sure Niger Congo speaking Fulani have more in common with nomadic cattle keeping tribes in North and East Africa than other settled farmer Niger Congo speaking tribes in West Africa....the Muslim Niger Congo speakers in Northern Nigeria have more in common with Afro Asiatic speakers in Southern Algeria,Morocco,Mauritania,etc than the Christian Igbo, and Ijaw Niger Congo speakers in Southern Nigeria.