idk how it is in MD or for murder trials in general, but whenever i've had to do jury duty the lawyers have a lot of control over who ends up in the final 12. i live in a community in cali that is mostly mexicans. one trial i almost got selected for was a white european couple that let their 13 year old kids drive without a license and they crashed the car into public property.

their defense lawyer basically kept dismissing any person that wasn't white in the selection process. i'd say that at least 80% who showed up weren't white. another time i almost got selected for a mexican guy that was being charged with DUI. the defense kept ejecting any person who wasn't mexican. the state's attorney was trying to eject mexicans too, but at the end there were too many for him to eject.
what i'm saying is 90% of the people who show up for jury duty could be black and it's possible to end up with a white jury. the state needs to do its job to make sure that doesn't happen.