Prosecutor Cites ‘Probable Cause’ for Manslaughter Charges in Freddie Gray Case
BALTIMORE — The state attorney of Baltimore, in a unexpected announcement, said Friday that she had probable cause to file homicide, manslaughter and misconduct charges against the police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, who died after sustaining a spinal cord injury while in police custody.
In a news conference Friday, the state attorney, Marilyn J. Mosby, said that the death of Mr. Gray had been ruled a homicide and the police had been negligent in his death.
“We have probable cause to file criminal charges,” Ms. Mosby said. As Ms. Mosby spoke outside the War Memorial here, dozens of police officers dressed in riot gear stood nearby.
She described repeated mistreatment of Mr. Gray. She said that time and again police mistreated Mr. Gray, arresting him with no grounds, violating police procedure by putting him in cuffs and leg cuffs in the van without seat belting him and then repeatedly failing to get him medical attention.She said that when he was removed from the wagon, “Mr. Gray was no longer breathing at all.”
The death, Ms. Mosby said, is believed to be the result of a fatal injury to Mr. Gray while he was riding in the van without a seat belt.
The announcement came a day after the Police Department completed its initial investigation into Mr. Gray’s death and also handed its findings to Ms Mosby’s office.
The Police Department completed its initial investigation into Mr. Gray’s death and also handed its findings to Ms Mosby’s office, on Thursday. Prosecutors added the police work to their own investigation, and Commissioner Anthony W. Batts said his department will now take direction from them about what leads to pursue.