Baltimore man Freddie Gray dies after getiing neck broken while in police custody

El Bombi

Aug 31, 2012

shyt, CAC looted 2 damn continents.



Alone In My Zone
Sep 30, 2012
The Cosmos
How many Facebook friends have you guys had to remove? I'm three years out of high school and it seems like a new batch of them come out each year to demonize black people.
Most of the folks on my page are down. I have to re-post this from a guy on my friends list:

I am sickened by the mental state of many of my people! And NO, I'm not talking about my people out there rioting in Baltimore either. I'm speaking on you Don Lemons in my newsfeed and across the country! LOL!

I'm disgusted by YOU, not them!

Understand that you are all a bunch of pawns in this game of chess called THE MEDIA!! The media was built to control the minds of the people!

And if you're a Black person from an urban community and you don't understand what is going on in Baltimore right now, or what was going on in Ferguson last year, I feel extremely sad and embarrassed for/by you.

Just know that NOBODY is going to destroy something or somewhere that they feel a connection to. EVER!!!

Instead of placing your dumb ass judgement against my people, how about you come up with a solution. Because guess what? Peaceful protesting ain't got us nowhere in this world except for maybe the wool pulled over our eyes.

Is it how I would react in the situation? I must honestly say, I don't know!

Freddie Gray's mysterious death was just the straw that broke the camels back.

My people are tired, not to mention that we have a new breed of youth out here. They feel so far removed from the Civil Rights Movement and Slavery, and to see this s*^t still going on is something that they are not gonna stand for.

And whether you know it or not, when you have a people who are purposely impoverished and held back by society and the government, they tend to become opportunists. That explains the looting.

Learn the facts and dig a little deeper into our history before you pass judgement.

If you don't like it, feel free to delete me ASAP!! I'd rather not have you on my list anyway.

Difference of opinions has never been reason for me to delete or unfollow someone, but believe I won't be hurt!!
