I walk around a little edgy already
Free the guys
Free Luigi and hand him an Uzi
Free Luigi and hand him an Uzi
yes but might not receive treatment we hear about y’all’s NHS shytstemCould universal child Healthcare prevent having to even see this as an option?
yes but might not receive treatment we hear about y’all’s NHS shytstem
How long it takes to get a dental appointment?Thats true the wait list is super long
How long it takes to get a dental appointment?
In the Veteran’s Admintration Health Service I started making appointments in October I got some coming in January.
I took first available
Had me about to call Chicago PD and curse they ass out and I’m all the way in DC.This happened 9 years ago
Dude went to Chicago on a shopping spree with the dough
He’s released on probation now