So youre telling people their opinions are wrong because theyre is not your opinion?

The whole GOAT, top5,top10 discussion shyt is stupid and opinionated. Arguing music is one of the most ridiculous thing people can do. Youre arguing with people about what they personally prefer. Thats some narcissistic shyt. You already fukk up trying to put 10 rappers in the top and having to take out and put in constantly and in the end: there is no end because your constantly redoing your list and will never have a solid lists. How can people still walk around not realizing none of your lists are the same. You cant even factually prove these are the top 5 10 or 15 rappers. You cant base it off anything. Too many rappers have been around to be making these kind of jaded lists.
If you really want to classify rappers by your personal taste then put them in tiers. Dont make some short list and fukk yourself over.
@ Heelish daps for the ATCQ mention. I'm a huge Tribe stan. What was your fave out of their 5?