Rap Guerilla
the bulls are desperately need a PG who can run an offense. dragic is far too old to fill in that role playing starters minutes for however long lonzo is going to be out.
People keep saying this as if there is an offense that they run in clutch situations. Would a PG help Donovan draw up last shot plays in these games too?the bulls are desperately need a PG who can run an offense. dragic is far too old to fill in that role playing starters minutes for however long lonzo is going to be out.
when AKME gonna get off their ass and make some moves???
garpax used to be cowardly, but AKME haven't been seen since the playoffs last yearRight, we can place blame on everyone but I see no one in the Bulls media actually holding the front-office feet to the fir
Mark is a notorious Pat hater …reminds me of @Morethan1 he’s been horrendously wrong about this team all year …he’s another one of the violently ignorant bulls homers
He had a coming to Jesus moment after the Twolves debacle that was refreshing however
Sassy Aussie