Stinky p*ssy can be caused by shyt like the birth control shot,the pill and an abortion....don't know about y'all but that's the type of women I need on the side
Sum females ain't gon know it stink til u start fukin em cuz its not on the outside like our stanky balls in the summertime after hoopin,its in the,only the dikk can release it

And a lot of females just don't know they own puzzys or reasons why it would stink,cuz jokes is always made they just don't clean it enuf....when truth is it can be cleaned to much and with the wrong thing to make the smell worse..
That vinegar bath can kill two birds with one stone

,cleanin it out with sum apple sider vinegar and water is a natural solution,u maybe need to take a pro biotic.

and before y'all ask why I know about this if I don't have a puzzy...

y'all know everything about what kinda man women really want despite what they might say,can read minds,know why a woman really wears weave.....but YOU wasn't curious why a womans puzzy might stink?and why she might walk around like she ain't know or can't help it

Please do sum research and help these ignorant young brauds out for yourself or for the next man

...u too ladies,give a public service announcement about sum real shyt when u with all your girls talkin bout dumb shyt