I did say we getting to the juicy part ladies and gentleman.fukk you bruh. You're a google scholar playing dumb as rocks for thread numbers. shyts sickening. If you wanna know google Ps3 patch glitch and you'll see a number of popular games where glitch patching has been addressed. You're just wrong.
I first want to bring attention to the Redskin comments. You see, when I get under pplz skin, they take there beef E-Everywhere. So welcome my new Rec Room stan, lamont :congrats:Played a a lot games online the ones I put the most work in like some fallout type hours
Is cod mw don't know which number
Uncharted 2 and 3 co op
And re 5 co op
What time the redskins play sunday ?
I did say we getting to the juicy part ladies and gentleman.
Im lying or wrong, but Infinity Ward... are you saying they lying?
See, whats going on here is you lying to yourself. You still haven't pulled up a single link. There is a reason for that. I said name the game, either on xbox that is plagued still, or a ps3 AAA title that isn't plagued still
How long and for how many threads are you 3cepts gonna dodge this very question
Last time Mowgs... cuz I can't keep playing these games with you boyAll you did now was ask me to look up ps3 glitch patches like if nothing would come up?
I first want to bring attention to the Redskin comments. You see, when I get under pplz skin, they take there beef E-Everywhere. So welcome my new Rec Room stan, lamont :congrats:
Now for the good part. I finally got some games to showcase. But the fact he put up games I already shown off as faulty. I guess that makes my job that much easier. He can't remember which MW he played. So its Mw2
Why? Cuz you remember when MW1 came out.. we all do
And Mw3 just came out, so if he couldn't remember that? Then he's an idiot and doesn't deserve a reply.
But MW1 and 2 are unplayable and haven't been playable in years
---------->>> MW unplayable Link right here <<<----------
Uncharted 2 & 3? I already posted vids on UC2. But I haven't shown UC3 vids yet
Uncharted 3 Hacker ! - YouTube
Yup, the same gltich that you can still do TODAY in Uncharted 2.
Thank you for you patience while I demonstrated the truth. I understand you didn't even realize you was playing with cheats.
Maybe its why you don't play that game anymore
Maybe its why nobody plays these "top" games anymore? I liked UC3 alot, but the fun didn't last
It can never last on a platform that can't stop it...
I did say we getting to the juicy part ladies and gentleman.
Im lying or wrong, but Infinity Ward... are you saying they lying?
See, whats going on here is you lying to yourself. You still haven't pulled up a single link. There is a reason for that. I said name the game, either on xbox that is plagued still, or a ps3 AAA title that isn't plagued still
How long and for how many threads are you 3cepts gonna dodge this very question
Last time Mowgs... cuz I can't keep playing these games with you boyAll you did now was ask me to look up ps3 glitch patches like if nothing would come up?
I first want to bring attention to the Redskin comments. You see, when I get under pplz skin, they take there beef E-Everywhere. So welcome my new Rec Room stan, lamont :congrats:
Now for the good part. I finally got some games to showcase. But the fact he put up games I already shown off as faulty. I guess that makes my job that much easier. He can't remember which MW he played. So its Mw2
Why? Cuz you remember when MW1 came out.. we all do
And Mw3 just came out, so if he couldn't remember that? Then he's an idiot and doesn't deserve a reply.
But MW1 and 2 are unplayable and haven't been playable in years
---------->>> MW unplayable Link right here <<<----------
Uncharted 2 & 3? I already posted vids on UC2. But I haven't shown UC3 vids yet
Uncharted 3 Hacker ! - YouTube
Yup, the same gltich that you can still do TODAY in Uncharted 2.
Thank you for you patience while I demonstrated the truth. I understand you didn't even realize you was playing with cheats.
Maybe its why you don't play that game anymore
Maybe its why nobody plays these "top" games anymore? I liked UC3 alot, but the fun didn't last
It can never last on a platform that can't stop it...
That was his last post. Now since 3cepts are under a demonic spell, the way to catch them in there lies is to spin the record backwards just like you'd do to listen to the devil via a rock albumIf you dont want to google what i just told you to google then im cool with you living in ignorance. Im comfortable with you just not wanting the answers. PS4 will speak for itself while you make excuses for trashbox.
See that right there, I said this is where it gets JUICY cuz I knew it would.Ok, this is where this convo gets juicy
Lets see you point out these "patches" then. And hopefully you don't twist my words into saying they don't even try. The question is how hard do they try?
If there was literally ZERO patches whatsoever, then it would be too clear what the problem is.
What sony specializes in is turning a blind eye until YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT IT.
And whats horribly wrong is you a$$holes are acting like your fine with it
So why should sony spend extra time/money on something if YOU don't care for it???
This entire thread has basically a bunch of upset 3cepts crying over everthing I'm saying, but can't disprove any of it. I got actually fukking developers of the most popular game on the planet talking about what I'm talking about. And you still like "Uhh... I didn't notice"
So, Master Mowgli. Lets see just a couple of examples![]()
So basically all Mowgli has done (cuz he's on the run) is tellme to google ps3 patch glitch like if I couldn't do the same thing for a Wii and get a resultIf you wanna know google Ps3 patch glitch and you'll see a number of popular games where glitch patching has been addressed. You're just wrong.
The problem you speak on is not XBL, its your internet. Did SF4 have lobby issues when it launched? Maybe it did, but that would be a Capcom issue. Not an xbox live one. What is an xbox live issue is if what your talking about didn't get fixed in a timely manner.
EXACTLY! So you do understood, xbl is nothing more than a fee and contribute nothing to online gaming. the quality of its games is up to the developers. not because of the subscription money.
using your logic, shouldn't blame be place on those PS3 developers rather than PSN?
and its not my internet. anybody who played halo 3, streetfighter, and geow2 can vouch.
I brought up Mortal Kombat because I can recall from memory how that game was not playable on PS3 for months. And that most other AAA ps3 titles don't work when they release online.
I dont play mortal kombat.
That or something is terribly wrong. Killzone 2 needed two patches to just how the game worked cuz it was so unfished. LBP didn't work for almost a year
LBP2 had the same issue, just not as long
Uncharted is and has been plagued the entire time.. it had a patch, then it broke again. And was never refixed.
Every COD game is unplayable now outside of BO2... and that is not even true because of the network keys, so YOU wouldn't know if you was up against a bot.
And all this is much more widespread on PSN even tho PSN has way less ppl on it. Do you understand english???
i dont fukk with ps3. so i could care lesss. this aint about psn vs xbl. its about xbl and its so called premium online gaming service failing to live up to its hype.
Gears Of War 3 SPEEDHACK - YouTube
Funny thing is as much as you bringing up the subject of people hacking games, how often do you encounter these people??
On PSN? At all times. Its a widespead issue on psn.
PSN has a much smaller pool of gamers to draw from
PSN is not protected and its keys are in the wild
What this means is really your most likely to run into these guys on THE MOST POPULAR GAMES
They not playing Resistance 1, there playing Uncharted 3
I've run into these types of gamers while PLAYING WITH YOU
We talked about this in length over on SOHH, the fact you guys keep acting like this shyt isn't everywhere is
Cuz yall nikkaz really do take this console shyt seriously. If I knew these facts, but still acted like it wasn't an issue? Whats the difference between you and say... Creamed Corn when he was staying at Michael Jacksons house? (battered wives club)
You guys are about as helpful as creamed corn too...
Cream Corn helps Black Dynamite! - YouTube
As for the games you listed. Let me look into that, BRB...
Here's the thing. You still don't know what your talking about. But at least you think you doEXACTLY! So you do understood, xbl is nothing more than a fee and contribute nothing to online gaming. the quality of its games is up to the developers. not because of the subscription money.
using your logic, shouldn't blame be place on those PS3 developers rather than PSN?
and its not my internet. anybody who played halo 3, streetfighter, and geow2 can vouch.
I didn't play MK
i dont fukk with ps3. so i could care lesss. this aint about psn vs xbl. its about xbl and its so called premium online gaming service failing to live up to its hype.
According to you tho, I'm paying xbox for no reason at all. I guess somebody is lying here. Now your next question would be "Ok, then why is this happening on the ps3 side"Multiplayer
Perhaps the most vital aspect of an online gaming service is the multiplayer experience that it has to offer, in the past we've witnessed consoles such as the Wii fall out of favor because they don't appease the avid gamer crowd who look for a competitive online experience. The PSN offers a great online service, where you can face gamers around the world on a multitude of games, but what does it offer for the elephant in the room: Call of Duty? Well for the past few Call of Duty titles it's gradually fell out of favor, lag and latency issues have been at an all time high and the developers of each CoD title have progressively shunned PSN all-together with delayed updates and content. On the terms of general gaming of any game, the PSN community seems to be more estranged than anything, you can often be in a game where nobody else has a microphone in except from that annoy kid who has dubstep blasting down his microphone! Communicating and working as a team online on PSN is essentially non-existent at times, it seems more like users use PSN multiplayers games for a more casual, private approach.
Xbox Live on the other hand has an absolutely stellar online experience which draws in a more hardcore crowd of gamers, particularly within Call of Duty. There's no doubt that if you're one of the +25 million who buy CoD each year, Xbox Live is the place to be; where you get every DLC package at least a month before PSN users. The games also seem to be supported more on Xbox Live, with updates coming asap to the service first as a priority. Communicating with others on Xbox Live also seems much more present, it's not unusual to join a lobby of gamers who're all participating in a chat and who're often more than welcoming in allowing you to join in - although you may occasionally run into someone who finds it necessary to tell you that they had sexual relations with your mother...Never-the-less, it's a more interactive experience.
Nobody complained about it...I sometimes miss them in my e-mail...but I checked tho, and there was no report or nothing.Why on earth do the MODS allow this dude to make the same thread over and over?
Let's talk about the lag on halo 4, the supposed FLAGSHIP title under Microcoft's belt. THAT shyt is unplayable. The massive frame spikes in BTB, teleporting players and other glitches really leave a nasty impression on a otherwise good game. It's going on two months and the game is still left to rot but they got DLC coming SOON!