I provide info, more so than the next guy usually.
Sometimes, I need help finding out things.
Now I just made a thread asking for info on trade ins. I got a few canned answers by some broke nikkaz who couldn't afford all those games

But what is bothersome is Liquid's behavior. Not that he joked, but when somebody wanted to derail the thread
That was OK by him?
Yet recently I was getting threads deleted because of another Mod who basically was on nuts (Now thats a true story)
I'm not worried about him.. I'm not worried about Liquid
What I am concerned about is fairness. Its not fair when I have a group of dikk riders following me from thread to thread to do nothing but talk shyt
Speaking of which, I got a warning for talking shyt

(chewy of course)
If it was an even playing field, cool. But its not.
Yall nikkaz need me more than I need you
Need is a STRONG word, but you know what I mean
SO... to even up the playing field, I'm just gonna have to go even HARDER on you muthafukkaz.
We gonna have to try something different. Now we gonna try whippin your asses 4x a day