Ever since The Avengers sequel was announced last year at San Diego Comic-Con as the "Age of Ultron" many have speculated that the storyline with Ultron infiltrating the African city of Wakanda for their vibranaium supply. We even wrote an editorial on how Ultron being the villain automatically means Wakanda needs to be in the sequel. Then we got word that The Avengers sequel will actually be shot in Africa a couple months ago. So again the rumors of Wakanda and Black Panther once again resurfaced but was quickly shot down.
Now Devin Faraci of Badass Digest has gotten some small tidbits that will once again bring the Black Panther/Wakanda rumors back to life. InBadass Digest report he teased the following:
“What if I told you that Age of Ultron invokes Wakanda as Ultron gets his comic book famous vibranium shell?”
The Black Panther rumors seem to all coming together. Just the other day rumored frontrunnerChadwick Boseman tried to play off that he knew nothing about Black Panther while smiling the entire time.