I think Avengers was a better comic movie where TDK was a better superhero movie if you can understand what I'm sayin'. TDK was a thriller with a superhero as the star...this was more of a true comic book movie.
My thing is, I love the film. Absolutely love it.
But, I understand why some would hate it. It's a true comic book film. Whedon is a comic book director. He makes choices based from that perspective. He is an auteurs and puts his stamp on it. It's going to rub people the wrong way who claim they like comics but low key really dont or been brainwashed by directors that really didnt make comic book movies but only cloaked them with the skin.
The man is extremely talented. He has a gift for bringing these characters to life.
Avengers is a film that is absolutely beautiful to look at, the music is top notch, every frame is drenched in style and atmosphere. Side by side compared to the graveyard or daily planet scenes in bvs is just night and day between what a talented director is and someone who doesn't really know what he is doing behind the camera.
But, it's taking iconic characters that people grew up with, that have an unhealthy obsession with and refuse to have them portrayed differently and doing something different with them ala a emo superman or a whatever that was batman.
I like films that challenge the status quo and aren't meant to just be generic crowd pleasers aimed at pleasing the masses but at the same time still respect the history of what we always loved about these characters. Avengers is that.
People dont want to shut there brain off, they want to see the characters how they're supposed to be and have a film as close to what made them fall in love with them in the first place.
The reaction to Avengers was one of emotion, not reason. And it continues today and will continue for some time.
It's a film like GOTG that invokes passion, from both those that wanted to hate it but cant and those that absolutely love it.
Personally, I'll take that over generic
trying so hard to be something its not meant to be comic book film #52 that I'll forget 2 minutes after its over and probably will never watch again.
Hate or love, most if not all of their films, they stick with the viewers. There's so many scenes that randomly pop up into my head.
And personally, I loved Chris as Cap. The more I watch, the more I like him. The face of scenes with Stark are top 5 moment in cbm history for me. And I absolutely adore the forest scene.
I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind on whether they like or hate it. I actually love that the film is such an experience.
And I firmly believe we would be still getting some cool surprises this phase or next as well with Black Panther that's coming next year had Spiderman joined or not in the MCU. And Avengers 3 & 4 would be getting the same reaction regardless.
Even people that don't like Whedon as a director have to give him props for setting up this combined universe and thank marvel for letting these directors work so well together and plan well with both their own properties and collective big picture things.
Most of these guys only experience before this were these smaller scaled not as poplar films. And now we got guys like Coogler going from Fruitville to Black Panther