I know on its face it looks like a win, but I consider it a loss. Don't look at getting 2 billy with YOUR money. Look at it as getting $2 billy and you are ALREADY a billionaire. Not as big of a deal. I know its hard to fathom in our materialistic society, but there are in fact some things more precious than money. Dude OWNED AN NBA TEAM. How cool is that?? And the league basically FORCED him to sell it. Dudes pride and ego, which are obviously very big, have taken a hit. This team was his baby, and now people are telling him he cant have it anymore because of something he said in a private conversation with his side chick. He owned the Clippers for all those years when they sucked. Now that they are FINALLY a good team, he has to sell them. THAT'S A LOSS.
Dude is what, 81

? He's already a billionaire. He cant spend the money he already has. This $2 billy will really be just a number on a computer that he will never even get to. Can't take it with you.
I know if I paid $500 for some Sade(

) concert tickets, and somebody offered me $10,000, I'm gonna say
NO with a quickness. And if somebody forced me to sell them for $10,000, I'm gonna be
