[AUDIO] Donald Sterling - "Don't bring black people to my games" [AGREES TO SELL TEAM]


All Star
May 8, 2012
Munson: Challenge for Donald Sterling - ESPN

Q: Is it possible for Silver and the NBA to terminate Sterling's franchise ownership?

A: Any owner or Silver can initiate the termination procedure with a written charge describing the violation. Sterling would have five days to respond to the charge with a written answer. The commissioner would then schedule a special meeting of the NBA Board of Governors within 10 days. Both sides would have a chance to present their evidence, and then the board would vote. If three-fourths of the board members vote to terminate, then Sterling would face termination of his ownership. It would require a vote of two-thirds of the board to reduce the termination to a fine. Terminating a franchise would obviously be a drastic remedy, but the potential of the termination procedure gives Silver and the other owners vast leverage in any discussion with Sterling about an involuntary sale of his team.

If MJ initiates the procedure he'd forever be bulletproof.
It's Silver's job anyway and I don't see MJ doing it but IF MJ does it before Adam Silver, it'd be legendary.


All Star
Jun 21, 2013
Q: Is it possible for Silver and the NBA to terminate Sterling's franchise ownership?

A: Yes. Under the terms of Paragraph 13 of the constitution, the owners can terminate another owner's franchise with a vote of three-fourths of the NBA Board of Governors, which is composed of all 30 owners. The power to terminate is limited to things like gambling and fraud in the application for ownership, but it also includes a provision for termination when an owner "fails to fulfill" a "contractual obligation" in "such a way as to affect the [NBA] or its members adversely." Silver and the owners could assert that Sterling's statements violated the constitution's requirements to conduct business on a "reasonable" and "ethical" level.

Look like Sterling in someshyt

Bu Bu Bu But there's nothing they can do.... It's gonna be a DOG FIGHT to get Sterling out:to:


Breh there is language / legally binding agreements amongst all the owners that are put in place to handle ANY situation.... There will be no "suing"

Imagine this:


Coli nikkas gone be like: Damn he gon put up a fight to keep that team... He'll have somebody running it while he in jail... dam man!:sadbron:

Like the league don't have language in place to handle CATESTROPHIC situations that could harm the ENTIRE LEAGUE (remember, all the other owners are part of this investment too... The NBA is basically like a 30 owner investment... You think 29 other billionaires would allow ONE IDIOT to hurt THEIR pockets, and them not have their lawyers write up language to PROTECT THEM at all costs??:lolbron::lolbron:.... "Oh shyt... Jim buss just shot up a school... And we can't boot him.. Goddamn my life savings is gone :( "... They think all billionaires that stupid breh?)


Shhhh tho breh... God didn't give us all the same brain... Let them sweat and suffer like little fukking pareoid idiots up until the inevitable hammer drops... Shhhhh... We know what's coming breh:lolbron:

@Talkofnewyork .... I must have missed something... Is retard the new slang for, Genius? Catch me up on the Lingo...


May 1, 2012
Stephen Jackson: "You know they all just want to be politically correct. I'm the same guy who Tim Duncan called the ultimate teammate. I'm the same guy who jumped in the stands and put my job on the line for my teammates. But I'm also the same guy who would have burned that uniform because I'm a proud black man"

:wow: :wow:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
heres a :ehh: article i found

I am doubly embarrassed by Donald Sterling’s contemptible, racist comments that surfaced this week. Once as an Angeleno and a second time as a Jew. Indeed, the world’s most racist basketball franchise owner is one of our own. Worse, in the course of his rantings, Sterling attempts to justify his racism by invoking his people and our homeland.

“DS: It's the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.
V: So do you have to treat them like that too?
DS: The white Jews, there's white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?
V: And are the black Jews less than the white Jews?
DS: A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.
V: And is that right?
DS: It isn't a question - we don't evaluate what's right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.”
(via Deadspin)

My initial reaction was outrage and disgust. How dare this despicable human being lie about his fellow Jews and Israeli culture to hoodwink his girlfriend into believing that it is acceptable to mistreat black people? I was outraged. After all, black Jews are obviously not treated like dogs. White Jews do not really think that black Jews are less than white Jews. Preposterous! The nerve of that man!

Then I realized that, while Sterling’s choice of words was inelegant and imprecise, he wasn’t lying. Too often, white Jews do treat black Jews poorly. We do have a bit of a race problem in our communities. :sas1:

Ashkenazi bias against Sephardic Jews is common. Examples abound. A few years ago, Ashkenazi girls in Immanuel stayed home from school because their school had been desegregated by court order. Israeli courts found that there was in fact discrimination in Immanuel.

Many Orthodox Jewish communities still divide themselves along ethnic lines. Social groups are often formed based on skin color or ancestral heritage. Because many Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews prefer to pray in synagogues of their own tradition, it can be hard to reach across color lines. I myself have heard Ashkenazi acquaintances use racial slurs and ugly stereotypes when referring to Sephardi Jews. I can only assume that the people using this kind of language took for granted that I would be comfortable with their epithets. I am not.

Many Orthodox Jews live in insular communities. When one lives without outside influence it’s easy to fall into the trap of xenophobic tendencies and even outright racism. Without friends and colleagues from diverse ethnicities, one may rely upon stereotypes that would be debunked after just one encounter. But diversity is not a value in Orthodox Jewish communities while insularity is a value.

Additionally, many Orthodox Jews do not imbibe in popular culture and media. Thus, there is no external force that is informing them that the old stereotypes and prejudices are factually incorrect and morally wrong. It can be difficult to navigate around negative feelings about people outside one’s group without data to deconstruct those firmly held beliefs. The result is a culture that tolerates blatant discrimination against minorities and no social stigma against using racial epithets.

Of course, there are many Orthodox Jews who would never dream of thinking white people are superior to non-whites. The community is trending in the right direction, but there is work to be done yet. Just last year, a prominent Orthodox politician used blackface as part of his Purim costume. He did not even know that people find blackface offensive. He found out pretty quickly once the media started reporting his faux pas. But he learned his lesson, and hopefully the rest of the community will continue learning these lessons.

But it’s not just Orthodox Jewish communities that need to improve. The African migrant worker issue in Israel has uncovered pockets of racism in the secular Israeli communities as well. Violence and hateful speech targeting African asylum seekers and others prompted President Shimon Peres to issue this reminder to the citizens of Israel in 2012. “Hatred of foreigners contradicts the fundamental principles of Judaism. I am well aware of the difficulties faced by the residents of south Tel Aviv [and other similar areas], but violence is not the solution.”

Donald Sterling had no right to say that white Jews treat black Jews like dogs. That’s simply not a true statement. He is also incorrect that black Jews are less than white Jews. Jews are Jews no matter their pigment. Colors are for artists. Skin tone is the color of one’s skin.

It’s true that some Jewish people do not treat all ethnicities equally. But there are people of every race, creed, culture, and color who discriminate. That’s not something Jewish people do more than others. But we can do better. We should do better. Our insular communities can do more to prevent xenophobia and our diverse communities can do more to see past color and beyond stereotypes.

Yom HaShoah is an excellent time to redouble our efforts to make sure that Donald Sterling is the last of his kind. We have been victims of discrimination and hate enough times to know better. Let’s commit to making Sterling’s offensive comments about his fellow Jews even more preposterous than they are now. This Yom HaShoah let’s broaden "Never Again" to include all hate and discrimination so there is no comfortable place for new Donald Sterlings in our society.



Apr 30, 2012
Stephen Jackson: "You know they all just want to be politically correct. I'm the same guy who Tim Duncan called the ultimate teammate. I'm the same guy who jumped in the stands and put my job on the line for my teammates. But I'm also the same guy who would have burned that uniform because I'm a proud black man"

:wow: :wow:

He also said he's the one who shot up the strip club for my teammate :wow:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Yeah after reading that, if all true, Silver has the power to fukk him up as he chooses, now it's on Silver to do what he gotta do.

thing is 95% of nba owners have been silent so far, but i do think when time comes, it will be like butch giving tony the ok to wack phil


OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
For the wrong reasons though. Sorry most people didnt read your article about sterling years ago and are doing it now. We are reading them and now we are discussing it. ol "bu..bu..but man i told yall first, only respond to me" azz nikka. I cant believe his whole rant was about that. :snoop:
I agree..Hes been on that "I was the smartest n1gga in the room" steez ever since the story broke.. Mike Wilbon has been exposing Sterling since Bomani was in grade school.. You don't see him running around beating his chest screaming "I told yall nikkas"