DeSean Jackson loses his job for vague but unproven _associations_ with people from his neighborhood, as if he can't be friends with black people he grew up with ("you're no longer one of them, DeSean. we don't want you hanging around them anymore, ok, boy?) sterling makes untold millions off of the talent of black players whom he disparages in a taped conversation that includes his desire to not see black people at his games. and motherfukkers on here are really questioning our anger?
if this doesn't wake black people up, we're lost and possibly finished as a people in this country. black people need to STOP shucking and jiving and STOP being scared of calling out these racist cacs and STOP being afraid of the outcome. i fukking hate weak and cowardly blacks more than i hate cacs. it makes me so fukking upset. fukking c00ns on tnt. doc rivers looking straight bytchMADE. the clippers team actually playing after this, making money for that cac. this is outrageous. it's a shameful display of black america. we look like a fukking joke right now.