chris paul is a multimillonaire, you dont even get paid for the playoffs
id love for after tipoff chris paul just takes the ball and says no mas and walks off followed by all the clippers and golden state players
You say this like sports fans haven't spent the last 2 years trashing Paul for never making it to the conference finals or finals. It's actually been a running theme on this forum as a reason to trash his legacy. It's easy to tell someone to casually throw away their prime over words. Much harder to do if you're playing for something more than the owner.
Any NBA player on any team in the playoffs could protest. It's funny how the pressure to resolve the situation stays on certain individuals but not others. Lebron tweets a half hearted statement about maybe not playing, then goes out and plays, knowing that if he sat, the NBA would have to act.
It's also worth questioning if Donald Sterling has actually done anything discriminatory that would merit a protest. Everybody knew he was bigoted. It's an old story. Last time I checked, it's not illegal to be a bigot. Should people be fired and have their possessions stripped away because they don't like group X? Just like the Duck Dynasty situation, this could end up with everyone going back to business as usual when the fans and media use up their short attention spans.