aka New World OrderThe Jew World Order?![]()

aka New World OrderThe Jew World Order?![]()
Did Kobe say something?
I feel where you coming from and I'm usually on the let things play out side and equal justice for all, but this shyt ain't adding up breh. This just got cover up written all over it.
The investigation shouildn't take no longer than 2 weeks with the advances in ways law enforcement has found ways to get people for less.
No, a boycott wouldn't be useless, it forces action. A boycott during the NBA playoffs would definitely send a message
And, as opposed to Silver and the NBA, the stain on the league should come 2nd to then being looked at as field boys by a team owner
Silver will do what he does, but that shouldn't dictate what the players do
^ this was a real ass commish silver is a fraud
Even if he did tell him, he should have just said...he won't be attending the game tomorrow.
Give people the idea that he was TOLD to sit home.
In case you missed this piffery from David West earlier
As myself and others have said since page 1:
Only the players and staff have the power to demand meaningful change.
Leaving it up to the NBA and Owners might get Sterling relieved as an owner (doubtful) , but if the players took respect it would have implications outside of sports for generations.
Not just the NBA, ESPN too. Them nikkas was dodging that story like a hand grenad.Dawg, it ain't even been 18 hours.
This is honestly better than I'd expected.
The social media backlash forced the hand of the NBA in a manner I NEVER expected.
You don't get it. It's about sending a message that this bullshyt won't be tolerated in the league....especially in the year 2014.
Silver could've came out and made a statement saying "if our investigation implicates that Sterling was in fact on the tape, we will do the utmost to provide the harshest action against him - up to and including expulsion from our league. This behavior has no place in our league and we will do our best to exterminate it from the game."
Instead he tried to cape for him, didn't even half-way come down on him. It was almost like he was trying to admonish him without actually admonishing him! He was sticking up for his boy....that's what pisses me off.
If a player came out and said "I don't like all these Jews owning the teams in our league," he'd be banned for life possibly, immediately suspended or fined for sure. But if an owner says "I don't want blacks to come to our games," Silver can't even come out strongly in support of the players and admonish the perpetrator. THAT'S the problem.
Donald Sterling, "It wasn't me.....I know what you heard but.......it wasn't me"
Lol at due process and a long investigation
This aint a homicide investigation
How hard is it to prove that its him