¢apitali$t Migraine
Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
I had got banned. Oh well, doesn't matter. I'm light skinned so I am worth more as a person than the OP. Plus I wear sunglasses and jewelry cuz I like to give young black trapped in the ghetto men hope and mentor them thru flaunting my wealth and superior male supermodel good looks.Do I?I know you changed your name... I think. But nah, not sure what you look like.
My hair alone is of a finer texture and quality than 93% of African American men, so, u know how it is when u try to give back to the community. If I can just change one brother's life by looking way better than him, we're that much closer to Farrakhan's Mother Wheel. I'll take a pic again one day for this shyt, but it's fun having dumb nikkas assume I'm white for the time being.