The main thesis of my work includes the Kamite origin of the pre-Aryan matter extant in language and mythology found in the British Isles,—the origin of the Hebrew and Christian theology in the mythology of Egypt,—the unity of origin for all mythology, as demonstrated by a world-wide comparison of the great primary types, and the Kamite origin of that unity,—the common origin of the mythical Genetrix and her brood of seven elementary forces, found in Egypt, Akkad, India, Britain, and New Zealand, who became kronotypes in their secondary, and spirits or gods in their final psychotheistic phase,—the Egyptian genesis of the chief celestial signs, zodiacal and extra-zodiacal,—the origin of all mythology in the Kamite typology,—the origin of typology in gesture-signs,— and the origin of language in African onomatopœia.
~The Natural Genesis, pg. xii-xiii