They have to sell them at fire sell prices because Win 7 was such a failure as a whole, plus the Win 7 early adopters are being left in the cold with only a few select phones getting the Win 7.8 update.
When the flagship Lumia 920 and HTC 8x selling at less then a $100 out the box! That not a good sign.
Would you shut the fukk up you moron! You haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. I guess Amazon and Google are in trouble as well because they are selling their tablets at or below cost too huh?
Would you shut the fukk up you moron! You haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. I guess Amazon and Google are in trouble as well because they are selling their tablets at or below cost too huh?
No it failed, If this was Microsoft core business they would have been Palm status. They selling at these prices because it will not sell at $200-$399 that high end Android and iPhone's sell at.
Win 8 is the Hyundai of cell phones! aka GS3=Mustang GT iPhone=Camaro SS Lumia 920= Hyundai Genesis coupe![]()
How about you shut the fukk you simpleton. I've argued with you before and comprehension is not your strong suit. The Nexus 7 and Amazon Tabs are not flagship devices. Do you not get that? A top of the line device is cheaper then a low end Android phone. The Windows phone brand is tarnished in Joe Blow's mind just as is the Blackberry name. You don't see the irony in that?
How about you shut the fukk you simpleton. I've argued with you before and comprehension is not your strong suit. The Nexus 7 and Amazon Tabs are not flagship devices. Do you not get that? A top of the line device is cheaper then a low end Android phone. The Windows phone brand is tarnished in Joe Blow's mind just as is the Blackberry name. You don't see the irony in that?
LOL L920 is the Ferrari of phones. Its clearly smoking GS3 and iPhone5 right now in pretty much everything except for daytime shots but that will be fixed soon. Know your tech.
Don't forget WP7.5 was smoking GS2's iPhone 4S no problem just based on pure day to day functionality.
You clearly don't know how to attack a market. Stick with your specs OHHH 4GHZ CPU's drool![]()
Its all about gaining market share genius. Joe Blow probably doesn't even know what Windows Phone is and this price is designed to get their attention. Its funny because idiots like yourself were the same people complaining about the possibility of the price of this device being too high. Now that the price is actually too low, morons like yourself now claim its a sign of desperation. No, in fact its an aggressive price point designed to grab the attention of the potential smartphone consumer. Similarly to the way both the low priced Kindle and the Nexus 7 have grabbed the attention of the casual tablet consumer.
Now go sit down somewhere and leave critical thinking to the grown ups. Its clear you're talking out of your avatar right now....![]()
Let me knock these out one by one
Win 8 is not knocking anything out. Its a ok os (I actually like it a little) Top tier Android phone have good cams (One X+,GS3 etc.) But as I said It's a Genesis coupe with Ferrari styling
Win 7.5 didnt smoke shyt. The phones was very lack luster. Ok it's os is smooth, But all mobile os's are smooth now.
Um the Win 8 phones run the same cpu as the U.S. GS3, So this is not a spec issue.
Joe blow knows who Microsoft is and depending on there experiences with them it could be good or bad. Most People I know who had the old Windows phone will not go back even if it is a all new os. Blackberry will face the same issue when it launches its new Blackberry 10 OS. It's hard to win people back when you have better alternatives out there.
If you like Win 8 phones fine. But understand if you introduce at a cheap price people will naturally associate you as the cheaper alternative. Which could be a good thing for Microsoft but not good for hardware manufactures.
Samsung about to put W8 on its back and make it a success the same way they did android
Introducing Samsung ATIV - YouTube
the Ativ will be the top selling W8 phone just watch
Its all about that Nokia Lumia 920 right here man....
But seriously the Ativ looks mad generic to me, but it is the only phone with decent memory capabilities.