AT&T is finally spilling the beans on how much its Windows Phone 8 handsets will set you back if you plump for a two-year deal. Nokia's Lumia 920 costs $99.99, $50 less than previously speculated, and will come with a free wireless charging plate. If your wallet can't (or won't) stretch that far, then you can snag a Lumia 820 for just $49.99, the same price as last generation's flagship. If you've had your eye turned by HTC's much-lauded Windows Phone 8X, then you can select an 8GB limited edition version in blue or limelight (yellow) for $99.99, or a 16GB device for $199.99. Both of the Nokia handsets will be available to pre-order from the 7th (tomorrow) and available on the 9th (Friday), while the 8X should be rolling around "before Thanksgiving." Now that 'Ma Bell has tipped her hand, it's now down to Verizon, which is expected to make its riposte on Thursday.
AT&T prices Lumia 920 and 8GB HTC 8X at $100, Lumia 820 at $50, Nokias due on Friday -- Engadget