I miss her old gear. She was out there looking like a whole pack of Zebra Stripe and I was tryna chew.
That being said, Kana deserves better than this company. Of all the people they coulda picked to go run some fades as champion down in NXT... Charlotte?
We coulda gotten Rhea/Asuka, Candice/Asuka. And... I mean. Asuka/Io could have happened with stakes, some time, and definitely woulda ended in a ROH-ass post-match respect handshake that would have led to leather pants and Triple Tails and everything would have been right with the world outside of viruses and governments and Velveteen doing way way too much... but nah. Instead, we're gonna watch Charlotte fukking Flair pin Io motherfukking Shirai.
I do find it funny that, in the KW/B&C matches... somehow, fukking Kana is the physically largest person in the ring. Kana. Kana is the physically imposing one. In a series of tag matches. Bliss'n'em too goddamned small.