yea, it is a big part of the problem. put defense and NASA money into feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and educating the masses properly. once those problems are solved then we can consider venturing to other worlds.
yea, it is a big part of the problem. put defense and NASA money into feeding the hungry, housing the homeless and educating the masses properly. once those problems are solved then we can consider venturing to other worlds.
Also...Defense spending takes wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more money than NASA tho, hell the prison system takes more than NASA. Anything that helps us advance as a species shouldn't be done away with that's why I disagree when you say get rid of NASA. Now defense contractors, weapons manufacturers, etc etc those the nikkaz we gotta worry about. Like I was sayin, I shoulda been a bit more exact in what I was sayin in my first post but I just ain't wanna be wordy and make a paragraph of it. In my opinion, getting rid of inequities between humans is what would bring us into real expansion into space especially since we'd definitely be running out of space if everyone suddenly had enough food to eat, a stable environment, and adequate schooling.
not true. there are funds directed toward NASA as a part of the black budget. and the internet was a military project, not NASAu do realize NASA's expense is .5% of our budget
and you do realize that the reason you're able to be on the internet is because of NASA right
not true. there are funds directed toward NASA as a part of the black budget. and the internet was a military project, not NASA
stop acting like NASA is useless dude. It deserves more funding if anything.
stop acting like NASA is useless dude. It deserves more funding if anything.
what have the billions spent on NASA gotten us? just about nothing. look at all the people who lived in poverty since NASA's inception. look at all the people who couldn't afford a proper education. your priorities are out of wack.stop acting like NASA is useless dude. It deserves more funding if anything.
we can do ALL of that shyt, it isn't NASA's fault that other stuff isn't getting done.. I want more social programs so my priorities aren't out of wack, you should stop judging people when you have no info to go on. I can't help that the political system is fukked so education gets no funding or that there aren't more social programs to help the poor. I'd guess that the majority of Americans don't care about poor people, because after all this is America right, you should be able to not be poor by working hard and living the american dreamwhat have the billions spent on NASA gotten us? just about nothing. look at all the people who lived in poverty since NASA's inception. look at all the people who couldn't afford a proper education. your priorities are out of wack.
what have the billions spent on NASA gotten us? just about nothing.