I hope this is a lesson for people obsessed with laws, legislature, communities, etc only for black people. This is a pretty clear blueprint for how you do that without running into legal issues. Nowhere in the brochures does it say "Asians only." It just says this is an Asian community, come join. Anyone can join on paper...but they clearly plan on only selling to Asians, yet would never outright say that because it is illegal.
They were told the properties were being sold amongst friends/associates. Which isn't illegal.
There's a clear blueprint for how to do this stuff and it's been staring us in the face for decades. Look at the original GI Bill for instance. Nowhere in the bill does it specifically state "don't give mortgages/loans/benefits/etc to black people." But the banks the implemented the law simply refused to offer those things to black people. The moral of the story is that if you want your shyt implemented, you need to put people in position to get it done. If you control a neighborhood's property for instance, you only give out approvals to black people. Or if you're approving federal funds - say for farmers at the USDA - you approve black farmers at the same rate you approve white farmers, thus significantly increasing black farmer approvals. With federal or state money you can't play around with fukking over white people but you don't need to fukk them over: just hand out money to black people, too. With non-government money, like this housing shyt? You can do whatever you want....as long as you don't outright say you are only helping black people.
Coli gotta dead this idea that black progress only matters if we get something that says For Blacks Only on the front page. Show me something like that for white people over the last 70 years. You can't. Because they understand how this shyt works.