the qbs have nothing to do with the team's overall makeup, thats one. were comparing teams, not qbs.
the 'proven for a long time' thing is fallacious too, thats two. nfc north over the last three years have sent as many teams to the superbowl and every team from the division has been to at least the first round, with 3 different teams being to the nfc championship the last 3 years
in fact, over the last 3 years, nfc north has been stronger than the nfc east, whether you want to look at individual record or playoff performances.
vikings faded away and were replaced by the lions but nfc north has been consistently better. not to mention last year it was not even a contest with top 3 nfc north teams goin 15-1, 10-6 and 8-8
whether you like it or not, the number dont lie. the eagles were supposed to be the best team ever, didnt make the offs. giants barely won the division and at some point in the season they werent even sure theyd make the offs. cowgirls just failed, straight up. last year nfc east was suckage, and the only redemption was giants getting their shyt together in the offs.