As Black People are Engaged in Diaspora and Gender Wars, Prestigious White Universities are Seeding the Next Wave of Race Scientists


Nov 29, 2019
Quick Points for those that won't read the full article

  • This particular scientist, Dr. Michael Woodley, has studied and worked at the top institutions in the world and is apart of a group of academics pushing racial science. He's even had some of his papers published by well regarded scientific journals like Elsevier.
  • Some of Woodley's ideas are that humans can be subdivided into subspecies.
  • Woodley belongs to a group of racist scientists that publish their views in a journal called, "The Mankind Quarterly". The "Mankind Quarterly" is a white nationalist journal.
  • Michael Woodley was funded by the Unz Foundation. The Unz Foundation is led by, Ron Unz, who worked in Silicon Valley before selling his company and moving into politics and funding researchers like Dr. Michael Woodley to push their racist ideas. Ron Unz has his "The Unz Review" which is labeled a white nationalist publication.

  • The Buffalo terrorist quoted Michael Woodley in his manifesto.

A Racist Researcher, Exposed by a Mass Shooting​


BRUSSELS — The researcher claims there has been an I.Q. decline in France linked to large-scale migration from North Africa. He has co-written a book about the global decline of intelligence, stating a relationship between ethnicity and cognitive abilities. And he argues that humans can be divided into subspecies, a cornerstone of white supremacist ideology.
He was also cited, among other academic references, in a manifesto written by the teenager motivated by racist views who killed 10 Black people at a supermarket in Buffalo last month.
Despite his own extreme views, the researcher, Michael Woodley — a 38-year-old British man — has been affiliated with Vrije Universiteit Brussel, one of Belgium’s leading universities, and his controversial work was originally undertaken as he studied at some of the world’s most prestigious academic institutions.

The discovery that the gunman had cited Mr. Woodley’s work shocked many academics, who said they hoped it might now force institutions to confront questions about their responsibility toward society, academic rigor and the space they give to extremist ideas.

Alex Mas Sandoval, a Spanish researcher in population genetics at the University of Bologna, said he was “appalled” when he heard that the Buffalo gunman had tried to use science to justify his actions.
Scientists involved in the field of population genetics and other related areas were “concerned about the misinterpretation of our findings,” he said, adding that he had scrutinized the manifesto for all references to his field.
“In most cases, the killer decontextualized scientific conclusions,” he said. But, he added, one person cited by the gunman stood out for his extreme views: Mr. Woodley, whose expertise is in plant ecology, but whose work also includes research in human genetics and intelligence.

“Woodley has been explicitly racist,” said Mr. Sandoval, who started an online petition to get the British researcher suspended and his Ph.D. revoked. Mr. Woodley has received degrees from Columbia University and from Royal Holloway, University of London. “He has a history of spreading racist, white supremacist theories,” Mr. Sandoval said, adding, “He is questioning a consensus based on decades of research.”

Vrije Universiteit Brussel last week suspended its relationship with Mr. Woodley after Mr. Sandoval started his petition and a Belgian newspaper published a story about the researcher. In a statement, the university said it was “shocked” that an “element from a paper” by Mr. Woodley had appeared in the manifesto of the Buffalo gunman. A scientific committee from the university will now investigate Mr. Woodley’s work to decide on further steps, it said.
Mr. Woodley declined to comment, but Francis Heylighen, the director of the Leo Apostel Center, an interdisciplinary research institute at the university with which the British academic has been affiliated, described him as “absolutely devastated by the turn of events.”
Mr. Heylighen said the center did not have a position on Mr. Woodley’s theories, as “he has published dozens of highly technical articles in a variety of respected, peer-reviewed scientific journals, which people who lack the specific scientific expertise would find very hard to evaluate.”
At the core of Mr. Woodley’s article cited by the gunman is an argument that human beings can be scientifically divided into subspecies. One table in which he compared humans with a number of animal species, including jaguars and leopards, was used in the Buffalo gunman’s manifesto.
Theories like the one Mr. Woodley asserted have long been a mainstay of pseudoscientific attempts to justify slavery, colonialism and Nazism that have been widely rejected by contemporary mainstream academics.

Mr. Woodley’s academic interests over the course of his career have been eclectic, including papers on ways to communicate with the dead and intelligence in parrots, in addition to human genetics and intelligence.

A spokeswoman for Royal Holloway said that Mr. Woodley completed a doctorate in plant ecology there from 2007 to 2011, and that his 2010 article referenced by the Buffalo gunman was “written and published in a personal capacity.” The article described the author’s affiliation as “School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London.”
Elsevier, a major, mainstream academic publisher that produced the journal that printed Mr. Woodley’s article, said in a statement that it was “urgently reviewing the 2010 paper,” and that it would consider “any necessary correction.” It also said it would “closely monitor” the review by the Belgian university.
Angela Saini, a British journalist who wrote a book called “Superior: The Return of Race Science,” said Mr. Woodley was a fixture in a group of far-right academics she researched, centered around an academic journal called The Mankind Quarterly, which has been accused of promoting scientific racism and in which the researcher has been published.
“I do think things have changed in recent years, partly because of political discourse,” Ms. Saini said. “And with the rise of ethnic nationalism and the far right, we have become more aware of just how risky, how dangerous these people are,” she said, adding, “They gained a huge following over the years.”
Vrije Universiteit Brussel declined to answer questions about who began the relationship with Mr. Woodley in 2013 and for what purpose. According to the university’s records, Mr. Woodley was a speaker at a seminar in April, but the video of his appearance is missing from the official website, which features the recordings of the three other speakers.
And on Mr. Woodley’s personal website, sections about his research and media appearances were removed over the past week.

Mr. Woodley’s status as an affiliated researcher meant that he was not paid by the Belgian university, and it remains unclear how he financed his work.

One of his papers mentions that funding was provided by the Unz Foundation, a nonprofit organization run by Ron Unz, a software entrepreneur. Mr. Unz is the founder of The Unz Review, a far-right website criticized by the Anti-Defamation League as hosting racist and antisemitic content. Mr. Woodley refers to himself as an “Unz Foundation Junior Fellow” in several other publications.
“I’m independently funded, and the person who independently funds me is not going to withdraw my funding because I’m involved in political research,” Mr. Woodley told Stefan Molyneux, a white-supremacist blogger with whom he appeared in a video in 2019. “As a matter of fact, he’s more likely to give me more funding because of that, so I’m very lucky.”
Multiple Vrije Universiteit Brussel employees expressed outrage over the fact that no one at the university had raised the alarm over Mr. Woodley’s views.
Karen Celis, a political scientist at the university, said she was shocked when she read Mr. Sandoval’s petition. “It is the actual opposite of what we stand for,” she said. “It made me wonder: How come, if it was known in certain circles, the alarm bells did not go off?”
She added: “Our university stands for humanistic values: freedom, solidarity, justice, inclusion. We also stand for free research, but sometimes there is tension between the two, and to me, it is clear which side we have to stand on.”

Source: A Racist Researcher, Exposed by a Mass Shooting

The Gentleman

Always a Gentleman!
Sep 15, 2019
Being a Gentleman
Quick Points for those that won't read the full article

  • This particular scientist, Dr. Michael Woodley, has studied and worked at the top institutions in the world and is apart of a group of academics pushing racial science. He's even had some of his papers published by well regarded scientific journals like Elsevier.
  • Some of Woodley's ideas are that humans can be subdivided into subspecies.
  • Woodley belongs to a group of racist scientists that publish their views in a journal called, "The Mankind Quarterly". The "Mankind Quarterly" is a white nationalist journal.
  • Michael Woodley was funded by the Unz Foundation. The Unz Foundation is led by, Ron Unz, who worked in Silicon Valley before selling his company and moving into politics and funding researchers like Dr. Michael Woodley to push their racist ideas. Ron Unz has his "The Unz Review" which is labeled a white nationalist publication.

  • The Buffalo terrorist quoted Michael Woodley in his manifesto.

A Racist Researcher, Exposed by a Mass Shooting​


BRUSSELS — The researcher claims there has been an I.Q. decline in France linked to large-scale migration from North Africa. He has co-written a book about the global decline of intelligence, stating a relationship between ethnicity and cognitive abilities. And he argues that humans can be divided into subspecies, a cornerstone of white supremacist ideology.
He was also cited, among other academic references, in a manifesto written by the teenager motivated by racist views who killed 10 Black people at a supermarket in Buffalo last month.
Despite his own extreme views, the researcher, Michael Woodley — a 38-year-old British man — has been affiliated with Vrije Universiteit Brussel, one of Belgium’s leading universities, and his controversial work was originally undertaken as he studied at some of the world’s most prestigious academic institutions.

The discovery that the gunman had cited Mr. Woodley’s work shocked many academics, who said they hoped it might now force institutions to confront questions about their responsibility toward society, academic rigor and the space they give to extremist ideas.

Alex Mas Sandoval, a Spanish researcher in population genetics at the University of Bologna, said he was “appalled” when he heard that the Buffalo gunman had tried to use science to justify his actions.
Scientists involved in the field of population genetics and other related areas were “concerned about the misinterpretation of our findings,” he said, adding that he had scrutinized the manifesto for all references to his field.
“In most cases, the killer decontextualized scientific conclusions,” he said. But, he added, one person cited by the gunman stood out for his extreme views: Mr. Woodley, whose expertise is in plant ecology, but whose work also includes research in human genetics and intelligence.

“Woodley has been explicitly racist,” said Mr. Sandoval, who started an online petition to get the British researcher suspended and his Ph.D. revoked. Mr. Woodley has received degrees from Columbia University and from Royal Holloway, University of London. “He has a history of spreading racist, white supremacist theories,” Mr. Sandoval said, adding, “He is questioning a consensus based on decades of research.”

Vrije Universiteit Brussel last week suspended its relationship with Mr. Woodley after Mr. Sandoval started his petition and a Belgian newspaper published a story about the researcher. In a statement, the university said it was “shocked” that an “element from a paper” by Mr. Woodley had appeared in the manifesto of the Buffalo gunman. A scientific committee from the university will now investigate Mr. Woodley’s work to decide on further steps, it said.
Mr. Woodley declined to comment, but Francis Heylighen, the director of the Leo Apostel Center, an interdisciplinary research institute at the university with which the British academic has been affiliated, described him as “absolutely devastated by the turn of events.”
Mr. Heylighen said the center did not have a position on Mr. Woodley’s theories, as “he has published dozens of highly technical articles in a variety of respected, peer-reviewed scientific journals, which people who lack the specific scientific expertise would find very hard to evaluate.”
At the core of Mr. Woodley’s article cited by the gunman is an argument that human beings can be scientifically divided into subspecies. One table in which he compared humans with a number of animal species, including jaguars and leopards, was used in the Buffalo gunman’s manifesto.
Theories like the one Mr. Woodley asserted have long been a mainstay of pseudoscientific attempts to justify slavery, colonialism and Nazism that have been widely rejected by contemporary mainstream academics.

Mr. Woodley’s academic interests over the course of his career have been eclectic, including papers on ways to communicate with the dead and intelligence in parrots, in addition to human genetics and intelligence.

A spokeswoman for Royal Holloway said that Mr. Woodley completed a doctorate in plant ecology there from 2007 to 2011, and that his 2010 article referenced by the Buffalo gunman was “written and published in a personal capacity.” The article described the author’s affiliation as “School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London.”
Elsevier, a major, mainstream academic publisher that produced the journal that printed Mr. Woodley’s article, said in a statement that it was “urgently reviewing the 2010 paper,” and that it would consider “any necessary correction.” It also said it would “closely monitor” the review by the Belgian university.
Angela Saini, a British journalist who wrote a book called “Superior: The Return of Race Science,” said Mr. Woodley was a fixture in a group of far-right academics she researched, centered around an academic journal called The Mankind Quarterly, which has been accused of promoting scientific racism and in which the researcher has been published.
“I do think things have changed in recent years, partly because of political discourse,” Ms. Saini said. “And with the rise of ethnic nationalism and the far right, we have become more aware of just how risky, how dangerous these people are,” she said, adding, “They gained a huge following over the years.”
Vrije Universiteit Brussel declined to answer questions about who began the relationship with Mr. Woodley in 2013 and for what purpose. According to the university’s records, Mr. Woodley was a speaker at a seminar in April, but the video of his appearance is missing from the official website, which features the recordings of the three other speakers.
And on Mr. Woodley’s personal website, sections about his research and media appearances were removed over the past week.

Mr. Woodley’s status as an affiliated researcher meant that he was not paid by the Belgian university, and it remains unclear how he financed his work.

One of his papers mentions that funding was provided by the Unz Foundation, a nonprofit organization run by Ron Unz, a software entrepreneur. Mr. Unz is the founder of The Unz Review, a far-right website criticized by the Anti-Defamation League as hosting racist and antisemitic content. Mr. Woodley refers to himself as an “Unz Foundation Junior Fellow” in several other publications.
“I’m independently funded, and the person who independently funds me is not going to withdraw my funding because I’m involved in political research,” Mr. Woodley told Stefan Molyneux, a white-supremacist blogger with whom he appeared in a video in 2019. “As a matter of fact, he’s more likely to give me more funding because of that, so I’m very lucky.”
Multiple Vrije Universiteit Brussel employees expressed outrage over the fact that no one at the university had raised the alarm over Mr. Woodley’s views.
Karen Celis, a political scientist at the university, said she was shocked when she read Mr. Sandoval’s petition. “It is the actual opposite of what we stand for,” she said. “It made me wonder: How come, if it was known in certain circles, the alarm bells did not go off?”
She added: “Our university stands for humanistic values: freedom, solidarity, justice, inclusion. We also stand for free research, but sometimes there is tension between the two, and to me, it is clear which side we have to stand on.”

Source: A Racist Researcher, Exposed by a Mass Shooting

They are serious about WHO they are and WHY they are on this planet. It would wise for black people to be just as serious about their purpose on this planet but this is generally not the case.

The Gentleman

Always a Gentleman!
Sep 15, 2019
Being a Gentleman
Lines are being drawn, plans drafted, and targets mapped out. But, black people are largely ignorant to what’s happening. Our people are a frog in boiling water.


Not ignorant they choose to ignore what things the seem overwhelming or that cause discomfort. In fact many rather black people welcome death than deal with this aspect of reality.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Y’all really fear white people so much?

It’s honestly pathetic :francis:
Its not have to be aware.

Some of you all really think because some white people listen to rap and are nice to you that they don't have the worst planned for black folk.

We don't know what they talk about behind closed doors and too many white people are afraid to challenge and check their racist friends and family members so we have to know what's up with them so we can protect ourselves. Cause they wont do it for us.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Most white supremacists like this are cowards. they can write diatribes and ridiculously detailed screeds about how much they hate black people, but in the presence of black people they put their heads down and are too scared to make eye contact.

I've told you anti black racism from white people is motivated by FEAR.


Mar 11, 2022
Lines are being drawn, plans drafted, and targets mapped out. But, black people are largely ignorant to what’s happening. Our people are a frog in boiling water.

And this is wtf I’ve been trying to get at when touching on the gender war topic in other threads.

We have to get the collective to realize we’re being programmed to hate each other while the real enemy is literally planning our demise. This shyt is insane!


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
Negroes scattered to the 4 corners of the earth are the real Israelites. No one cares what these scientist have to say. They know their kingdom is about to be wiped out by Messiah Yahusha.


Nov 29, 2019
Im not reading all that if the punchline is the obvious cacs are racist. :yeshrug:

That's why I had the 'quick points' at the top. :martin:

Lines are being drawn, plans drafted, and targets mapped out. But, black people are largely ignorant to what’s happening. Our people are a frog in boiling water.


Weren't you the one that made the genocide thread?

From that article in the OP to the doctor talking about "if you discount Black people then we would be normal...", that genocide thread is on the money at this point.

Y’all really fear white people so much?

It’s honestly pathetic :francis:

I don't fear white people, I think we need to start taking things seriously (that's my view).

Its not have to be aware.

Some of you all really think because some white people listen to rap and are nice to you that they don't have the worst planned for black folk.

We don't know what they talk about behind closed doors and too many white people are afraid to challenge and check their racist friends and family members so we have to know what's up with them so we can protect ourselves.

That thread was on the money. A few academics at the institution Woodley worked at were asked about him and his racist views and they were saying, "oh! golly gee, I had NO idea he held those views"

and, I am thinking as I am reading the article ":gucci: he was on the Stefan Molyneux show and has been pushing his racist views for a decade. How do you not have a clue?"

these white folks are on code.

Most white supremacists like this are cowards. they can write diatribes and ridiculously detailed screeds about how much they hate black people, but in the presence of black people they put their heads down and are too scared to make eye contact.

I've told you anti black racism from white people is motivated by FEAR.

Those types of whites are the ones that keep the system functioning. They find ways to corrupt African crops/land so that western powers can send in organizations/NGOs to "help" the starving Africans. They put their heads down and won't look you in the eye, but they are still highly dangerous because they get the low-level whites to do their bidding and design the plans to undermine us.


Jun 12, 2014
They've done this before and will do it again. WS just remixes and refines itself over time. What's the permanent solution? How can we be proactive instead of reactive?


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
And this is wtf I’ve been trying to get at when touching on the gender war topic in other threads.

We have to get the collective to realize we’re being programmed to hate each other while the real enemy is literally planning our demise. This shyt is insane!
We have to return as a ppl to serving our Elohim and keeping his commandments. He will deliver us and make all the nations know who we are and ultimately who he is.

Isaiah ch.60
1Arise, shine, for your light has come,

and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.

2For behold, darkness covers the earth,

and thick darkness is over the peoples;

but the LORD will rise upon you,

and His glory will appear over you.

3Nations will come to your light,

and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

4Lift up your eyes and look around:

They all gather and come to you;

your sons will come from afar,

and your daughters will be carried on the arm.

5Then you will look and be radiant,

and your heart will tremble and swell with joy,

because the riches of the sea will be brought to you,

and the wealth of the nations will come to you.

6Caravans of camels will cover your land,

young camels of Midian and Ephah,

and all from Sheba will come,

bearing gold and frankincense

and proclaiming the praises of the LORD.

7All the flocks of Kedar will be gathered to you;

the rams of Nebaioth will serve you

and go up on My altar with acceptance;

I will adorn My glorious house.

8Who are these who fly like clouds,

like doves to their shelters?

9Surely the islandsa will wait for Me,

with the ships of Tarshishb in the lead,

to bring your children from afar,

with their silver and gold,

to the honor of the LORD your God,

the Holy One of Israel,

for He has glorified you.

10Foreigners will rebuild your walls,

and their kings will serve you.

Although I struck you in anger,

yet in favor I will show you mercy.

11Your gates will always stand open;

they will never be shut, day or night,

so that the wealth of the nations may be brought into you,

with their kings being led in procession.

12For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish;

it will be utterly destroyed.

13The glory of Lebanon will come to you—

its cypress,c elm, and boxwood together—

to adorn the place of My sanctuary,

and I will glorify the place of My feet.

14The sons of your oppressors

will come and bow down to you;

all who reviled you

will fall facedown at your feet

and call you the City of the LORD,

Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

15Whereas you have been forsaken and despised,

with no one passing through,

I will make you an everlasting pride,

a joy from age to age.

16You will drink the milk of nations

and nurse at the breasts of royalty;

you will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior

and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

17Instead of bronze I will bring you gold;

I will bring silver in place of iron,

bronze instead of wood,

and iron instead of stones.

I will appoint peace as your governor

and righteousness as your ruler.

18No longer will violence be heard in your land,

nor ruin or destruction within your borders.

But you will name your walls Salvation

and your gates Praise.

19No longer will the sun be your light by day,

nor the brightness of the moon shine on your night;d

for the LORD will be your everlasting light,

and your God will be your splendor.e

20Your sun will no longer set,

and your moon will not wane;

for the LORD will be your everlasting light,

and the days of your sorrow will cease.

21Then all your people will be righteous;

they will possess the land forever;

they are the branch of My planting,

the work of My hands,

so that I may be glorified.

22The least of you will become a thousand,

and the smallest a mighty nation.

I am the LORD;

in its time I will accomplish it quickly.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Funny I’ve been making threads about what these Cacs are doing on those anthro pseudoscience race forums (anthrogenecia), but some here tried to shame me for sticking my nose over there smh.

You mf’s will be surprised at just how many non Black people subscribe to this nonsense. Somalis even subscribe this shyt, and they use this garbage to try to talk shyt about other Africans. This shyt is exposing a deep seeded evil in some aspects of humanity.
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