The potential part is relative, but I have numerous 20+ year marriages in my family. Of course their are divorces in there as well.. Numerous married couples in my predominantly black community as well..
But these are older couples though.. Boomers and Gen X.. Seems like millennials and zoomers are without direction about how to have relationships..
I just don't understand how people here hate W.S, YET can lay down with a white partner every night..
Only one of my aunts is in a long term relationship (not married), the rest either were never married or have divorces and children out of 9 (excluding my mother)
If my gen is without direction, is because the previous gen sacrificed our foundation for their happiness. Chasing the "American Dream"
It is what it is.
White Supremacy effects everyone in different ways. None of them are good, even for the white folk who THINK they got it made.
They are one missed paycheck away from homelessness just like everyone else. I guess I see it more of a force of nature, since it is baked into the system as a whole.
It's going to always exist, so either I work within it to achieve my goals, align to it and sell my soul, or lay down and let it smother me until death.
Now going super hotep while putting white women(folk) on a pedestal? Yea, that is weird as hell and I only see those folks made fun of.
Thinking that only a Black woman will make you happy, fulfilled,satisfied etc to me (and others I see) is short sighted and you are only limiting yourself however.
I just want to see folks enjoying the one life we got, instead of holding themselves back using outdated ideals that they don't even follow themselves.
You want a Black wife who loves and cherishes you?
No reason why you (generally speaking) can't go out tomorrow and start looking.
You should have no problems if that is what you want, swirling, KS,whatever movement be damned.
I don't personally care because I just want someone who brings me peace. Just being 100%.
How you know your grandfather wasn't cheating on your grandmother?
I don't?
Dude worked way too much, dunno how you would save up eight months of bills ahead of time and have a side piece.
The black family is the thing to show for it in and of itself.
And I definitely agree character matters more, I just think black women have as much character as any other race.
So you are coming from the perspective that folks think Black women don't have these qualities?
Because if that is the case, I can see why folks get emotional from the jump (not a diss against you, general statement)