Elle Seven
Ok wats really going on ? Wats the psychology behind this? This happens too much, these hoes need to start doing hard time. Wat is attractive to a woman about a 13 year old boy?
My suspicion is it is the attention the ladies get. While this teacher, for example, might have been a dime a dozen to a grown man in terms of looks and personality, in the eyes of a 13 year old - someone still being shaped by biological processes and societal conditioning - she might be a relative goddess. The fact, then, that she takes an interest in said child makes him feel even more special. Any lackluster coochie or head she might give to her husband or another adult man would probably be received with great enthuisiam from a teenager. His standards would be lower and his reactions to her sexual abilities might shoot her self esteem thru the roof. From that perspective, I get it. The ladies are being worshipped by adolescent boys too young to know better and it feeds the teachers' egos.
Speaking of which, I used to be a teacher and noticed how some students, probably thru conditioning, would put a teacher at God status almost - blameless and all-knowing. It was creepy to witness actually because I could see how one could be susceptible to corruption by this power. I suspect using your influence to fukk your students is very seductive to the teacher who commands authority and respect in no other area of his/her life outside the classroom

As an aside, maybe someone could do a thread on psychological issues and career paths. My observation is that people (many but not all), based on whatever severe psychological trauma they endured in youth (and that includes everyone as all have experienced something, to varying degrees of course) are drawn to certain careers.
For example, ladies with potential daddy issues might be drawn to teaching to play those out. Guys who were bullied or made to feel powerless might be drawn to law enforcement, and so on.