im a woman and ive posted my picture on here before. i dont think i look better than ari or the woman you posted, but i think i look good. but what i or any posters wife/girlfriend looks like does not matter.
the woman you posted does not look better than ari and they would be on the same playing field with no makeup. i would choose ari over that other woman.
But I purposely grabbed pics of 3 females that have popular online rotation by males for a reason. And that was to avoid bullshyt comments that I knew were coming. So it looks off that all of a sudden a female out of the blue says "this woman is not that attractive." So I'm just supposed to ignore the years of millions of guys fawning over these chicks?

females are naturally catty so I could just easily assume u are hating.

Another poster said the darkskin one is "basic" and thats the first time I ever heard that ever, go figure. Yet that same pic is on a bunch of Tumblr, pintrest and Twitter accounts dedicated to bad looking females.
And the flip side is.....I've never seen Aris pics in the same online rotation yet here u are saying u would chose her over someone who is in the popular online rotation. Opinions are subjective but I dont believe u shorty because majority rules.